Wednesday, September 29, 2010





1) how to solve Haiti problem as thought by me

it is very sad to note that Haiti and recently INDIA went through nature problem and many other nations also go through every now and then

it is a recurring problem of the world

me jagadish thought of way to help the united nations or government wings of nations to come together through a plan to solve this recurring problem

whenever this type of nature problem occurs

food and water becomes a major hurdle for those who are affected by problem of not only earthquakes but also wild fires as observed in Russia recently

token system has to be introduced by government in the affected zone with the help of army the affected areas must be well guarded and token to be given properly to the people one by one in a queue in a building set up of floors

the ones who are given a token system must be asked to collect their food and water from a place say a 1km radius of walk from the token counter

the food should be mechanised into a booth system where inserting a token food is given in a satchet, the problem with this type may be breakage of machine to get more food and water

security becomes a mandatory during this type of nature affects, this was one type i thought about

think on something more than this who are reading this solution of mine ?

A) lack of funds availability to government

once if a specific government doesn’t have funds with it to solve disasters which have occurred in its country what can be the steps to be taken up by the country

a) Internet marketing by specifying the issues concerning the government with the help of united nations--- public donations (sharing it with the website owner)

b) printing press on backside of books which are popular asking for donations

sharing money

think on other ideas ?

B) lack of infrastructure in country

when disasters come in a country which doesnt have infrastructure facility what should the government do ,

infrastructure problem can be anything major being adherence to standards to make operation of problem a success

to solve these problems what should one do

air force , army support solving it in air or airports (hanger-place where planes are kept)

now problem arises as to number of population to cater with --- decided on emergency situation

ships can be used commercial , moving people through helicopters and using ships to solve till proper accommodation is provided

think ?

C) water disaster and how to manage it when it occurs

when disaster occurs as was seen in china where 1000 people died because of sea tides , it usually occurs mostly because of huge tidal waves destroying dams which protect the people from getting wiped out

what to do once dams are suddenly destroyed and leave the people homeless


usually it is solved through man holes being constructed if you create a lengthy construction of earthquake type of hole in-front of dams and open it if dams are about to be destroyed because of pressure of water

one can minimize the damage

about 1km distance from dam water compartment hole to minimize the affect , something like this

not so 100% effective answer but a little bit try on something offbeat

think or upgrade the solution ?


2) managing talent in an organization

as i was reading the article in knowledge at Wharton school today their came a burning issue which was being discussed in it stating that whenever their is competition between a few top management employees for a post say of CEO, CMO, CFO etc . after the selection of the post the ones not selected but were in race left the organization

how to stop this from happening :

it is not money they tussle jagadish thinks they left because they felt humiliated for not getting selected even after delivering to the organization for such a lengthy period and the one who got the post is not as competent as one who deserves it

solution :

put the candidates being selected for the post in board of directors meeting only few and rotate them every now and then for different posts of company. in this way you don't let talent get wasted in your organization nor top talent leaves the organization

i specified this in my corporate governance literature


3) providing knowledge to rural children

I am reading the knowledge@wharton interview with NIIT employee

their came a topic of how to provide education to children who don't have money but want to learn

jagadish me came to a decision that as small children are taught through words being spoken through tongue in their starting days (recitation of child repeatedly)

the problem of illiteracy can be solved (if taken help from Microsoft if possible or any company which wants to venture in it)

if this method is employed by companies by first

making computer talk and then the child does recitation of the statement taught to him/her

making him remember the knowledge children can be taught education , but has to be employed through computers because human element in the form of teachers should have lots of patience
to teach ,

computer makes a statement and teaches letter/words , the child reciprocates to it

technology coming to the rescue of children who want to be literate

what are other ways technology can help the rural sector or to illiterate people living in slums ?

think ?


4) lack of drinking water problem and its solution

i have been pondering over this problem of the world since childhood , Andhra pradesh to solve off water problem came up with rain harvesting to save water

i have come up with a different answer, lets see whether it can solve the drinking water problem of human beings

use boilers near ocean and transport them to all over the country

boilers because ocean is contaminated with germs so if you use boilers you kill germs and water is boiled at 100 degrees so it is fit to drink, little bit of sweetener is added to it to drink

hope the problem can be solved

fingers crossed ?


how to mobilise investments in rural sector where infrastructure is a problem

start out with insurance sector (general +life) and ask rural people to promote it for each other and then promote it to other areas say relatives , gradual but very effective

once this is done automatically investment pooling of insurance can be used for infrastructure
meaning insurance which includes life insurance is being pooled up for infrastructure development and once it is pooled up would be used for that village development

insurance for infrastructure purpose (general+life coverage)

think on what type of insurance design can make rural sector come to life within 1 year ?


Role of society in removing poverty

it is always said by people that job of removing poverty is always the role of government or companies specially private companies are being considered to remove poverty . I call it junkyard

according to me in this knowledge based economy it is the role of every individual to remove poverty by

1) sharing information between people on Internet
2) giving advise and showing direction by writing blogs on topics discussed frequently by society
3) sharing of finance between institutions and wings of society in alleviating poverty

poverty is not seen in people . it is born out of ignorance to share information. the one who ridicules poverty in the end ends in poverty because what he thought as not his area of operation happened to be his own backyard of poverty

for example in the spider man story it was said that if hero had nabbed the robber his own father wouldn't have died because the one whom he left the robber actually kills his father in the film

it is societies responsibility to see that neither they nor others fall prey to poverty because poverty in infectious


company set up

companies across the globe (countries) must be set up in such a manner that companies require manpower and knowledge capitalism . basing upon this feature companies should be allotted real estate based upon knowledge capitalism of states in that country.

the state which can handle knowledge and share ideas with company employees through students and teachers should be first made to blossom out in the country

if this is being taken care off by the central government , the other states which were lagging behind can learn from the experience and try to emulate it into their states thus developing the country holistically

knowledge is power in 21st century------EDUCATION


Telecommunication (3G)

recently government of India auctioned latest asset for mobiles displaying videos in mobile service . few of the companies might have been forced to go for this service for the fact that they were considered to be the leaders in this market . but suddenly may have realised that people in India might not use them as public uses it in developed nations

what to do in this case

going for group packages and getting discounts and promoting selected websites can solve this problem to certain extent

what should be the group package look like

company employees in strategic department using it for news channel

now for those who don't use it which according to me should be maximum for them how would you promote 3G mobile

you cant promote it to them at any case so to get back the money invested in 3g how would company promote it to the masses

Airtel for example can make incoming calls free and get back the money by promoting it in Internet

i suddenly realised that in Internet mobiles usage to be promoted and highlighted and packages to be sold in internet

meaning promotional campaign to be done in Internet and those who use Internet packages of top ups to be given additional talk time

get back the money by promoting the schemes and ask public to use credit cards to get topups and special packages by logging in into Internet



if your product is damn good company can actually sell the product at lesser than cost price and still earn revenue by promotional campaigns promoting other products of other companies through ads in Internet website of its own

think on other issues ?



This is out of inquisitiveness i am writing this , if at all government of INDIA has a problem in grooming up individuals in lok sabha at some point of time

you can groom up individuals by asking the future ministers at any position to answer questions posed by opposition during question hour and ask the representative to answer them one after the other without highlighting the candidate as minister

this type of logic can be applied to any country

example : questions 40 to 45 questions posed by opposition answered by shyam

here you don't highlight shyam as minister but are grooming up for future as minister to get used to lok sabha questioning hour, in case of failure the real minister answers it .



In 21st century what does jagadish thinks about marketing concept

I believe in never do marketing of products , design teams but ask clients to chose the team if it is IT industry you are safe from tension

money is one aspect companies tussle out , i don't believe in that concept of money because product if it is good sells on its own

pull strategy is better than push strategy in 21st century---- take any industry segment

pull strategy means customers coming to you to purchase your product on their own

push strategy actually is to sell or force consumers to purchase from them (companies) with or without their permission. marketing executives using different strategies to ask marketing teams to promote the product to consumers either directly or indirectly

company should not be money minded but must be product minded concept

product minded concept is to believe that product if purchased solves consumer problem. companies need not do promote it




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