Thursday, December 31, 2009




As understood by JAGADISH


What is right and what is wrong in society?

As majority think right, so the thing, reasoning is considered correct,

If majority feels false, it is wrong as per society

Burning of forest for vegetation was considered ethical previously,

Now it’s a taboo

During the period of Thomas Paine as per jagadish, government kings time was seen as a negativity where atrocious behavior towards subjects has been vividly been taken into consideration.

This is even now seen to certain extent of rich dominating the poor nations

If they are not dominating why have they left the poor countries and to United Nations for development of them

I haven’t seen in any of media countries the question of poor nations being talked about by respective country politicians for over a period of years

Author tries to show that society is better than government wings being into operational

Question arises as to how government bodies work or must work in 21st century

Jagadish feels that today’s generation of society is totally management oriented and if government bodies don’t understand management as understood by companies , direction towards society and its citizens specially youth who look for employment is lost

Tie up government with companies’ future, governments should ask companies what future vision and mission they have seen for themselves where government can play an active role

Companies work with masses

Entrepreneurship in nation problems should be foremost while deciding decisions regarding countries progress by the government (say in India Information Technology companies)

Channelise even through media and its progress

The author Thomas Paine through common sense literature even states that to require a society to be formed gives an example

Few individuals are in a place, in due course it becomes a country,

Individuals need to depend on each other, hence rules, regulations are formed,

Governance is formed when through birth and death of individuals happen to be monitored

Now question raised by jagadish is how governance by politicians in 21st century can be stated as good governance

Does democracy or autocracy etc play a dominant role in deciding the course of humanity?

Governance is effective as per jagadish if people’s dreams and aspiration are met on equal terms without removing their freedom of expression, thought

Can be termed democracy by what I wrote but even autocracy can be termed as good governance if same dreams and aspiration of individuals are met

It is freedom that is being talked about --- rules and regulations of governance act

Do moral issues play a dominant role in governance?

Governance of country happens is both explicit and implicit decision making

Moral issues are basically more prone to implicit decision making

But they also can be recorded which would be useful in near future by say courts of 21st century

How much of freedom can be withdrawn during unjust times in 21st century by government

It is to be seen that though freedom is important to individuals should never be removed, their might be situations of national calamities and anarchy where this type of freedom should be removed so that balance of mind can be restored

Say INDIA has presidents rule in times of emergency situation hence I support also army’s rule but used to limited extent

How frequently should constitution laws be changed?

Constitution laws give governments overall picture as to the changes which have happened over the period of human history,

These changes should be made when a substantial significance in human psychology has taken roots in the mind of youth

How to determine it

Best example companies outlook towards society --- pulse of a nation

Company ceos must be invited and taken into consideration in government formulation policies

Should companies look for profit motive, poverty people, and rich people to earn more money?

Question arises as to what is corporate social responsibility of companies?

To run a business profit is essential, but it is also to be noted that this profit is earned only by few not by all, say workers working in factory don’t get a single amount of profit money, they just get their own salary

Salary of these workers is fixed and would get further money only on whims and fancies of board of directors or else under pressure of labor president of the company seen many of the times

Jagadish says why companies like TATA in India don’t help workers, why don’t you set up health and education based institutions and give motivation to workers who are working for the companies’ welfare

Next question

Then where does the poor people gone say African nations, they were the most affected during inflation rate and are dying

What is the role of companies towards them?

Companies say it is role of united nations/government not mine

But even united nations need money which is their in plenty with corporate

But corporate also talk about unforeseen contingency

What is the solution?


Pooling up of portion of money from small portions every year from all countries, it is duty of humanity to help the needy and to lift them from poverty to say up to middle class level

By creating tax free benefits for the money donated by companies

If everyone leaves it to others, who would take initiative

Government and Technology

Are we safe in this world?

With the advancement of technology are we barging into the privacy of individuals?

Is technology if at all used unethically, can it destroy humanity

Who has powers to manage this technology?

Why is it being handed over to few if at all, why isn’t technology being shared?

What is the role of government?

Mismanagement of technology into hands of few is the vital question one has to address first

Privatization of technology and government handling technology what is the difference

Are these few individuals ethical, what happens if they act unethically?

Religion is the answer; religion has always from starting been against technology for fear of mismanagement of technology and manipulation of human kind by few unethical individuals sitting in top offices making decisions regarding direction of human kind

Example: die hard 4.0 film

Are countries justified in promoting technology, recently evil forces tried to destroy Indian nuclear reactor creating panic in the minds of Indians

Government role is to see that unethical means have to be stopped and has to be nipped in the bud before it becomes a big issue

How do we define unethical means in technology?

Any violation of human act where human being freedom is lost is defined as unethical means used by technology

To say it is human rights violation act

What is the role of United Nations?

Arrange regular meetings in general assembly to know what the rights are being lost by individuals with religious leaders playing a part in it

Religion is part and parcel of humanity, destroying it in the name of technology is an act of loss of personal freedom

Religion definition can be defined as right of personal freedom

If people of world have voiced opinion together that their rights have been manipulated without their assent is termed as human rights violation act

Now question arises as to whether technology has been used properly or not

Something to debate upon in general assembly

Should technology be handled by few private individuals or by government?

Who is ethical in this world is first question if we talk about privatization or government role in sharing technology

Government bodies are also run by humans

I prefer United Nations come up with country governments to frame rules and regulations regarding management of technology

It has to be solved in unison with important officials debating upon it in general assembly and not in Security Council because of veto power used in Security Council by lead 5 nations

Read these notes one at a time slowly I feel it is important to reason it out

Nuclear warfare by government bodies

Has anybody analyzed why we people need nuclear capabilities warfare done on nuclear bombs

countries are creating nuclear holocaust by creating war games which would be never be fought upon, if it is fought on nuclear warfare it would only result in earth destruction

If we assume that nuclear arms race by countries is being made to fight against aliens
Rest assured that warfare also would be played only on earth and not outside earth or planets because to move away from earth itself takes a space ship which might get destroyed on some pretext or other before people in it attack aliens

Then why is government’s spending money on ammunitions of hydrogen, nuclear, or biological warfare

I consider wastage of money without resulting in any usage, if used destroy earth

Simple and straight

Why is NASA concentrating on search for aliens, when earth itself is in chaos with huge layoffs and inflation zooming up?

What is the use of knowledge which NASA POSSESSES?

, it is acceptable to send man made satellites but its waste to look for aliens which may also might suppose result in destruction of earth if aliens are not intelligent

Can NASA predict the power of aliens; we fight in earth on ammunitions not on intellectualism

America makes war games movies more and not on diplomacy movies with aliens most of the times

Has anybody observed it or not

The latest craze is biological warfare, which is much more dangerous than nuclear bombs

These bombs which are created like Intercontinental Ballistic Missile which is used to venture continental basis, when tested for usage, destroys the atmosphere and underground water

Underground water, in the sense pokhran (nuclear blast) of India was done in the earths crust

What would the next generation do with no air proper pollution and water crisis looming large in 21st century?

With corporate social responsibility being talked about now a days

Also nature climate being core issues in developed nations

Radio active elements are also radiated out of nuclear bombs like Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II

If you are looking at solution from my side because I stated these comments

Rest assured you would get it only in general assembly if one has commonsense

Either talk about aliens or talk about usage of technology

Very scary but a fact to be debated upon, if not done now it would be never be done

Humanity crisis with religion as the answer ----?

Management of technology which humanity possesses has to be discussed at length is the solution



Do politicians give a right perspective regarding states development?

Present generation politicians are far better than olden generation as per jagadish

Awareness about problems have been solved better than olden generations

Problems have become much trickier where intellectualism regarding management problems have become the core issue

If one talks about management problems one is looking at intelligence, that’s why new breed of politicians are much more intelligent, patriotic towards their country

How to solve problems of present day

Jagadish feels that within political spectrum difference of opinion is acceptable

But if one is looking at solution to problems in political field

It is majority that rules and not minority where student organizations play a major role in decision making as they are going to be the leaders of tomorrow for the country

With assistance from media role

Role of government towards state development is also linked up with media participation with unity among country

Constructive criticism is far better from media rather than pin pointing the criticism in a weird fashion

media is acceptable only when it tries to solve the problem of nation by giving solution and providing answers to current problems rather than leaving entirely to politicians, companies and sit back with a laid back attitude,

Media has one arsenal public participation in the issues to give direction to nation or nations

Public is looking at solutions not problems


Why are contributors paid at last legs of their life?

Why cant government even after knowing their contributions

Why do they postpone it saying let their contributions are not still more than what they hold as of now

Suppose contributor dies what happens without receiving any gratitude from nation

They are many situations where government failed to honor the person who contributed and even if government contributed they contributed at fag end of his life

Did the person ever enjoy the fruits of his labor is the question?

Why aren’t these contributors tapped when young

May be if they are tapped and talked about

Their contributions might have been more than what they stand as of now

Contributors lack money in today’s generation even though they have intellectual power

What is the answer given by government organizations?

Talent waste ----- reason lack of money

Role of government --- find out contributors and promote them at young age like sachin tendulkar

Reason ------- in front of you, check out

Grooming up for future contributions is also the role of government towards contributors of society in any field

Why don’t government organizations give motivation by talking to contributors of nation and promote them through finance and think later about giving those awards

Why are they left out to fend for themselves by respective government body wings even after their realization to the fact that contributors exist

Why don’t governments give support and motivation through personal talk, why do they link it up to awards and momentos and postpone the decision to future?

Something to ponder about


I have come to understand through observation and news that Japanese people are going through a tough period

Number 1 problem is all citizens in Japan, china are aged ranging between 50 to 70 years both male and female

You know what this problem would lead to

Management companies would not have young energetic marketing executives to promote the companies,

Their would not be any young ceos to take care of business and I have heard also that Japanese are considered to be best in management field

What should be the solution?

1) Their should not be any retirement age in management field

So that young citizens of age of 10 and above can be groomed up by the old age people if old age people can wait for some time before aged 10 and above become majors

At a specified age of 65 and above for example can be given either

An extension of work to keep them busy --- nation’s welfare

Or asked to take voluntary retirement

If health doesn't permit to continue

This strategy can be applicable to any nation looking out for this type of problem in near future

The second problem they face as per my observation is that of global warming scenario

This problem can be solved by constructing type of manufacturing buildings multistoried
Which must be both earthquake bearing and wind bearing capabilities?

The third problem which Japanese face is money problem

They are always in a dilemma whether to go for exports or imports of business as per my observation goes

money if is in excess it’s a problem, money less is also a problem , they live in total fear a fear if continued would eat away their sleep

Hence what is the solution to this?

Why doesn't Japan implement combos?

Meaning if they purchase one product another product is free (which is complementary to the product purchased)

This would result in cost of production resulting in sales where money transfer doesn't come into picture, it does come in the form of cost of production of products but it is miniscule

Have to check it out in implementation - impact on society as to what I said


Public wants information and government controls information to certain extent

Media plays its role based upon certain rules and regulations

Each has its role towards public

How to share information with public

Internet rules have to be stringent as it has become the major role in sharing information as to whether it is developing or developed nations

Each country based upon its technology share knowledge and based upon type of government being present in the nation

The more freedom the public has in sharing the information and making comments the better the role of government in giving good governance in the long run

Public has to make comments and given a say in the 21st century regarding present, current issues


By creating personal blogs to voice their opinion in the society

Creating awareness about social issues and making public know about their rights and duties both nationally and internationally is also the role of government

But this role also has to be taken up even by media and not only by government

Government control over media is also essential in sharing knowledge with public on regular basis instead of on emergency situation usage of communication channels



Would the world ever be united?

Why are some countries left behind while progress is happening only in limited countries?

Isn’t it the responsibility of nations to bring about changes in the whole world than concentrating upon wealth accumulation by selective few countries?

What is the use of United Nations when it concentrates upon weaker countries but doesn’t get support from other countries?

Countries look for wealth accumulation rather than development of poor nations and these are left behind

Moral responsibility of countries is in question mark regarding 21st century

Everyone promotes each other companies and companies look for people and infrastructure, isn’t it responsibility of government and companies to see the same development in poor nations

Which by my own standards are much larger in proportion than developed nations which we can count in fingers?

Where has the world disappeared, talks are happening lately as to rights of human being

Doesn’t it the moral responsibility of countries to look at giving helping hand to these poor nations instead of tussling on mere money

What is the role of public in this call for poor nations?

My answer is only one thing voice your opinion

You may say how

Internet (newspapers, magazines), personal blogs which are free in internet



Scribd is much more useful as it is a social publishing place where citizens share information free of cost and share ideas with each other all over the world

Blogspot is little bit tougher to sustain over a period of time

Lengthy process

But would your voice be heard

Nothing in this world was ever created in one day

Anthony Robbins in his book stated that in country maybe America

One black woman voiced her opinion about black citizens being humiliated while traveling in the bus and it was for brief 5 minutes and whole world shook, bringing about human rights issue into the society

Your role as citizens is much more useful to society if you use for yourself and for other welfare

Maybe in the end you might yourself be the victim or a hero in life

What do you say?

What mistake does companies may make in recession under commonsense

By jagadish

Companies go for retrenchment thinking that for new employees,

They can pay less salary compared to those employees who are old as old executives ask for more salary because of experience

companies forget one thing that it is experience of old employees which is important in the long run because for the new recruit it is again a big expenditure regarding training and development to be given to new recruit in the long run

So if you want to save money in the long run

Do less recruitment during recession

Do reengineering

Then do restructuring

If you want to remove employees, remove those employees who haven't gained experience

The other way

Remove employees through reengineering

This is far more effective than other ways of removal even though experience do count if one has commonsense

One more commonsense regarding rural population catered through companies

This information is also for government wing also

Rural sector problems might faced by companies, set up in towns through company outlets

The company thinks, that they are setting up outlets in towns and catering to population of towns but they forget one fact, that in setting up company outlets in towns they are actually catering to both population present in both towns and surrounding villages

it means that they are catering to both towns and villages , how come villages , it is seen that surrounding villagers come to towns to sell, in that selling they earn money which they use it to purchases in towns say most likely sales during Saturday, Sunday which is busy time for them

Hence debit cards cannot be sold in towns except to those customers who purchase, at say more than 500 rs sales, those customers who have more savings

Customer stock option plan is also applicable to those customers who purchase at higher denominations, it is also applicable to those in towns who purchase either in bulk or group purchases

in towns, hence customer information officers are also their in the form of banking sector, hence company with financial background can easily set up its base station in towns catering to its core competency with financial help, this help is also applicable to both villagers and towns population

Hence with one they are solving double blow in the form of villages and towns population by setting up outlets in towns

Selection of towns by companies should be done not through census but by population concentration on the basis of internet survey which is much more authentic as it tells us the advancement of the towns

Number of clicks made in internet

Companies should cater to one towns which is highly developed with combination of lesser developed towns,

Cities are limited while towns are many

Taken into consideration any country

Applicable anywhere if used through commonsense by company board of directors


Every nation has poor people, even if you look at America in 21st century consists of to some extent poor people who are below average in take of food, clothing or shelter

What can be government role in increasing their standard of living?

Developments of infrastructure where the same poor people can be picked up given salary and improve their life style

Villagers themselves working in their own villages, by developing infrastructure with government help through companies

Janmabhoomi introduced by Chandrababunaidu of Andhra Pradesh chief minister

Fastest motivation to villages where white goods companies coming into picture

Rural employment through company set up in villages through government help

1 construction of localized manufacturing unit /company unit

2 employment being given to villagers, being controlled by the company for example 5 villages

3 controls of villages, by the company would be for duration not less than 20 years

4 decision regarding selection of villages would be done or taken voluntary by the companies themselves

5 central governments has to come up with tax free exemption for a minimum period till the company starts producing profits for itself

6 roles of employee villagers is to sell its (companies) manufactured products and earn entire commission by selling products till a proper transportation is provided for the companies to reach the villages

7 after 20 years another quotation of proposed by the companies would be taken by state or central government.

The government would then make the decision of whom the respective villages have to be given after the completion period of 20 years based upon the success of the projects taken up by companies

These companies need not be from manufacturing division, it can be even from other companies coming into picture which might be saying

Financial institutions providing finance to villages by making villagers as employees and running 5 to 7 villages nearby to each other providing employment

Think as to how many industries can play an active role


How do people judge justice?

In today century of 21st government work with courts and courts decide the fate of people

Present century has turned up in such a way that courts cases are piling up

Is it a mockery of people over society’s behavior that cases in front of court has increased?

Justice is considered by many as blind, deaf and silent

It is said even though you leave hundred criminals not a single innocent should be sentenced

Amazing and today’s films show that it always happens in the opposite, criminals are left out and innocent becomes the victim

What is the solution?

Every nation has judges and courts, these judges should be given protection to make them feel the presence of judging character in the positive way

Judges are also used by government to come up with proper authentic description of where the society is leading

Frequently cases have to be judged as to where the country is progressing every 5 years so that proper channels of laws can be designed and implemented without affecting the intelligence of new breed

Reports generated by the judges through commission reports are to be judged and implemented by the government

If not done why set up a commission,

Frequently to be monitored by justice of Hague on a broader scale to judge the patterns being followed by the countries

Monitoring these activities gives a proper direction to both national and international issues

It is also taken into consideration that these cases always are solved by lower courts and again are made to hear in higher courts

Keep these cases going to higher courts to limited extent, if their is need as judged by the judge in the lower court

If cases are sent always to higher court why set up a lower court?


Their are certain countries where companies are being run by government specifically the arms and ammunition wing

Can privatization help government solve the employment and give professional touch to companies which are presently being run by government?

Answerability and profit motto is seen as of now only in private wing hence governments go for privatization to see that professionalism and survival tactics can be adopted in the long run

But their are issues which concerns security of country where government role is mandatory

How does one define national security of a country?

National security of a country can be defined as

Any company foreign origin by its exit out of country affects the countries reputation/stability of country is called as national security concern

How much of prominence to be given to these foreign companies to come into country

Foreign companies are basically prone to enter into country because of consumer market B2C

These companies also generate huge employment for the country with their coming into market

Priority of a country government is to first check out

Whether the company foreign origin entry is affecting the countries progress locally say national companies

Come out with stringent rules and regulations after discussing with that national origin companies

Saving own country companies should be most priority based than saving foreign 500 company with a big employment generation program

This would affect in the long run because employment can be generated through entrepreneurship also if country has common sense instead of letting foreign owned company providing employment

Which in later part may affect the security of country?

Government foresight with its company’s foresight is important in making these decisions with media playing an active role in respective countries

Privatization of companies shouldn’t be done by government which concerns security risk

How do you define it?

Security risk which gives monopoly to one company or few companies without government control on them if they companies become unethical

Terms and conditions play an active role

Still to be tested on 50:50 (Government: private) participation basis with stakeholders playing an active role incase of deadlock in key sectors

These key sectors shouldn’t be given prominence to foreign owned companies

Key sector definition should be discussed on collective basis with national company ceos on mutual basis


Educational institutions play a dominant role in shaping the course of a country if used properly

Grading system in education is far better than percentage marks in determining the intelligence of a student

Students should voice their opinion in stopping this attrocite of educational system if group based grading is not taken into consideration

Meaning: test1 (grading) +test2 (grading) + half yearly (grading) +annual test (grading) = overall grading test

This type of educational pattern brings out the holistic picture about a student progress and contribution

Reasoning based subjects should be given prominence,

Students have totally forgotten about using their brain thinking process of reasoning

Analyzing a problem and coming out with different solutions with reasoning should be given prominence through government body help

Influence of political parties on educational institutions must be lessened so that they don’t fall trap to religious flavors of leaders even though students may benefit it in the long run -- think

It concerns parents view point of influencing the mind with data which is unrelated at such young age

Children have to be given prominence in creativity stuff -- to think like a philosopher is my attitude

Question the basics of anything you come against with -- with logical reasoning


Entertainment is considered to be most vital time pass society has

To control this field is very difficult but overall body to control them rests with government

Entertainment gives value systems to society and they citizens get influenced by them

Government role is to monitor it by setting up a statutory body and maintain it

With tradition of country not getting destroyed

Privatization of entertainment without proper control by statutory body role is the biggest crime which government body would do if left on its own


In 21st century a huge cry is going on all over the world as to destruction of nature

What is the role of government bodies is now question arose recently

Nature friendly products are being launched especially in developed nations

How can countries cope up with this type of problem of costly nature friendly products?

Nature friendly products like Amway products are coming up but are considered to be too costly to implement, what can be the solution

Cost of production is too high

cost of production can never be brought down without advancement in technology hence the only solution left out as of now is usage of it selectively in those areas where harm to nature is more than in other areas of industries

Middle East has more money why doesn’t United Nations take funding under NGO from them under tax free bracket if at all they agree

Wants of people are more than needs of people

Economists gave this information long back that people dreams can be met by the nature under need but excessive desires like wants cannot be matched by nature

So what is the solution?

Try to save money in life instead of increasing the standard of living, in the long run one can retire early instead of speeding money lavishly

Each person earns 50,000 to 6 lakhs money per month now a days and spends 3/4th of money on unnecessary items creating heart attacks,

Learn to spend it on fruits and vegetables (boiled and not fried) which are nutritious diet on regular basis than on unhygienic products which can be eaten occasionally and not frequently


Read Anthony Robbins Books on Personality Development


Websites tell the pulse of public

Governments should promote public sharing information websites maintained by government to know the pulse of its citizens on all issues separately

Media should highlight these websites to promote peace and tranquility

Also use them to know the pulse in times of emergency -- ideas

International websites should be promoted with care with media as the arsenal

It is to protect like in India religion attacks and information which might harm the nation

This monitoring should also be done for national websites

Channelised through a core committee to see the flow of information ---- cyber attacks (crimes)

Reports regarding the developments happening in internet space has to be generated every quarterly to be circulated to national companies under a report?

These national companies can share it with other counterparts like stakeholders

Knowledge is power if channelised properly

New websites are created with no historical background

Google, Microsoft etc should sit down and plan out a proper channel to disseminate information both nationally and internationally

in near future free websites and new paid websites should be linked up with voter IDs incase of India or with social security number in case of USA, etc in respective countries

To track down people, companies who use internet on regular basis

Debit cards should not be used because cyber attacks can happen on these cards by unethical hackers

Any information about finance is a costly mistake which would affect the economy in the long run, instead

Internet IDs should be created by internet users to be discussed in (General Assembly) UNITED NATIONS

To be made mandatory to use only one ID in any of the internet browsers/websites instead of multiple creation of profiles in the same website

Example: jagadish having only one internet ID in google and rejected in yahoo, rediff etc

Certain fields can be edited but not internet ID number assigned by company in near future

How to operate it now with people using multiple username

The answer is ask them to chose from the lot under same company say google by assigning and giving them ID number

Example: jagadish given an ID number and asked to choose gmail, yahoo usernames

One to chose out of the lot which he is presently using it with one ID number for personal and official use

Think governments

And apply it with confirmation coming from United Nations if possible

These ID creations can also be used for hackers recorded by companies in their database


Karma yoga talks about that at any given point of time their would arise people who would do good actions and leave the world with good deeds,

It also talks about through swami Vivekananda that if you do not work

When given an opportunity their would be someone other than you who would take that position and deliver

You have been given that opportunity and if you shed it out their would be someone else to take that mantle,

You are not the only one

Their are others also who are better than you but not given opportunity to deliver in that position

You have been given that opportunity

Government bodies should be bothered only to see whether that person assigned to the job is working ethically or not with diligence

Or substitute him because as per karma yoga you can get better people to work if you search for them in this society

No job is vacant for long, their are always takers for the job

Government/corporate bodies have to groom individuals/contributors

That is their duty in 21st century philosophy of work

It concerns also companies, individuals

No company in this world is monopoly,

Even a monopolist company is thrown out of existence if it becomes unethical by public

Because entrepreneurship in that field will develop in that place for substitution effect at any given point of time without notice given

Government duty is to groom companies also specially entrepreneurship

Work ethically; live ethically in 21st century philosophy along with others

Man, companies are social animals

Companies because

Even company is run by human beings looking out for support for products it has created

Believe in karma yoga and follow karma yoga

Money would automatically flow in 21st century

Nature is not harsh on people; it is made to look harsh by selected few who hold power for creating fear in the minds of individuals

Or by following unethical means by people

It is nature’s language of talking to people

Example: multiple sex partners: result AIDS

Eating away chicken many: result chicken guinea

Believe in nature through spirituality

You would be safe

Go against nature: you are out of existence

I believe in this concept, hope everyone follows

Once again I state nature is not harsh on people

It just teaches people one concept and that is

Ethics, moral principles of how to live in this world

Last concept: only moral ethics survive and no one in 21st century

You are part of it

You succeed



Before I begin first of all congratulations to INDIA to become a super power nation as was given to it by USA

After getting this status INDIA had to go through a lean period of terrorist attacks on Mumbai

That is the sad part of the story

Even then congrats!!!

What should be the role of super power nations?

Susceptibility to terrorist outfits is part and parcel faced by all nations, some more often the other less

Example: sri Lanka even though it’s not a super power nation

NATIONS look for super power nations for guidance; even then this guidance may be dominated by dominance over a nation by super power nation

A super power nation must be able to guide other smaller nations for building their own brand image instead of dominating these small nations through both power and money

That means if you are a super power nation, it can be stated that you are a knowledge based, economic stable country compared to other nations

Good at funding getting capability

With technology as a by product image

What would you do with this type of qualification?

Help weaker nations

Remove poverty through intellectual capitalism

Sharing of money power

Developing financial institutions to weaker nations

Doing good research with fellow countries

If you do all this

It is called role of super power nation

Trying to assert the rights of weaker nations by representing them when time comes

If suppose other superpower nations voice

You are against it

IN 21st century I personally is against United Nations Security Council using power of veto

It is because with veto power super power nations are voicing their opinion without listening to what the situation demands from them

If India becomes a veto nation and uses a veto power, the entire discussion done previously for hours comes to null and void,

Then why the discussion?

Try discussing in Security Council through equal rights to all nations which are representing in Security Council. Without veto power

Something to ponder about?


Party workers work for specific ideals for themselves and to society

On the basis of which they select the party to which they are loyal

It is party politicians for which also party workers work

How to get work out of them is the question

Money can be given but it is not the only solution

Party workers must be assigned to a leader and

Group leaders must give them work to which they are assigned

Based upon the output over a period of month

Party workers can be given other than money government bonds for fixed tenure

These group leaders should be monitored by higher officials and if their is a shift of party workers to other parties

They should be notified based upon party ticket ID

That means these party workers would get an ID and based upon which money and bonds for work taken by them

Have to check out this with others


How can government manage real estate?

Government in any country is the sole authority to grant lands to all types of people usually it is taken up by real estate agents for business generation and township planning by purchasing from government

Government can make the mistake of granting land to earn revenue forgetting development of land at later stages, at which it sold the plot

Usually these grants have to be granted by government while looking at vision and mission of companies in real estate

These real estate agents must have preplanned idea as to how many years within which it can develop the area and how fast clients can purchase the land while development goes on

It is seen most of the times that development of area doesn’t happen as quickly as planned out

What to do in that case

Purchase the land back by government because of lack of development happening by the land holder after looking at for some years as was the contract

While selling land

Sign a contract by government to developer stating that in case of no development within specified period of time happens as per the vision and mission of developer (either individual or corporate) not happening

Government has the right to purchase it back at a specified price quoted by it

To the developer while selling it at the time of contract

Their are always takers for land development at any given point of time

It is also seen that real estate plots by accidentally are sold to two or more of same plots with or without knowing

This problem can be solved by assigning an agent by state government to look into development aspect sold to specific companies

This agent has to give a monthly report to the central government about developments

With the aid of manpower this problem to certain extent can be settled

Intricacies in real estate is normal, nobody can do anything

The best strategy is

Sell these plots to big corporates with the help of vision and mission statements

Selling land at baby stage by state has to be avoided and money earned by state should be financed through other sources for states welfare at long run

Patience is the key to development of land and states and central government future if government wants to prove its mettle in International scenario

Land grabbing in real estate can be solved by getting proper report generation through corporate

These statements made by me may not be foolproof but gives an idea to people/government as to how to manage real estate with proper direction from central to state

Real estate problems should be solved within the state government high court jurisdiction to maximum and not to be debated upon in Supreme Court

Fast judiciary is the order of the day

As time is important factor in real estate

Those that are in litigation and pending cases in Supreme Court should be diverted back to high court for faster judiciary

Without support of justice even governments can’t run

When it comes to real estate

Proper stringent rules have to be formulated by state government

Monitored by central government

With assistance from main judiciary body in formulating reports under Real Estate


Partition of state happens for numerous reasons

Mismanagement of state funds etc

Jagadish feels that partition of state can happen only when population explosion happens at particular stage where managing the affairs of state is impossible

To control the flow of citizens from other states and development handling become haphazard

Students fight out cases only on employment generation and land acquisition

Employment generation and partiality towards one particular sect cannot change the geography of a state,

As seen in Andhra Pradesh students have to solve it with talks with government education minister both at state and centre

If students/politicians determine it on the basis of partiality or impartiality towards one sect in determining the geography of a state

Their are so many issues on which impartiality happens that you require mini state governments instead of unity of a state

Handling problems and solving them through negotiation is the catchword rather than asking for division of state because of impartiality

If negotiation fails then companies should be asked to voice their opinion through media

It is companies which determine employment and not politicians etc

Companies would voice opinion only if they are affected

Till they aren’t affected these opinions would carry forwards to new breed

Companies do get affected in the long run just like jharkand state in INDIA

In the sense that development in the state may stall down because of interference to companies

I do not know whether TATA Company was consulted by government or not so any comments on that

But personally I wish to advise that company advise as to future growth of state has to be taken into consideration as

Students and employment growth is required

Which can be understood only if companies are made to participate in discussion during these bad or good times to the state development regarding any problems faced by them?
Overall I can say that me jagadish is looking at 4c concept between companies, government, media and students wing


It is to be noted that factionists do exist in this world for their own specific reason

They also work morally, ethically and face their own uphill task to prove to themselves, world, and people that they are fighting the battle for a just reason which is also a fact

Only problem comes when these people use the help of killing people to prove themselves

Now how to resolve these issues

Issues on which factionists work is ethical but what can be the solution

Government bodies want solution and they themselves want it to be solved through negotiations

But these negotiations fail due to many reasons

What is better solution?

Films in Telugu also have highlighted how these factionist suffer in their life time

I am not supporting anybody but like to give some solution which haven’t been thought about

Some may be

Ask for people support through documentary films being made by them to be shown to public in channels every now and then through governments

Government must play an active role to highlight weaker sections in society through media role

Media is playing an active role especially in India to highlight this aspect say Maoists of Andhra Pradesh issue

Their (weaker sections) voice has to be heard through media

Amazingly these problems are being faced even in developed nations

I can come with little but this problem of factionists is a very sensitive and has to be solved through ways by participation of media


Around the country villages are becoming towns but gradually seen

Village in a country is run specifically in agriculture with agro based industries as a medium

Now question arises how does agro based industries survive when village community depend upon irrigation (rains) for survival in many countries specifically INDIA

Barren lands are being converted to make into industrial specialization and for converting them into housing

In near future agricultural products would become costly because of lack of land for irrigation purpose
What is the solution to it?

food scarcity in India

Under 4c concept

spiritual marketing CONCEPT:

Under this concept companies help each other in developing strategies for each other and try to cooperate in developing competition and cooperation in their respective industries

With the help of complementors

1) Check out the states where food scarcity is their

2) then states where food scarcity is not their issue long term convert able bonds to shares to farmers by complementary companies for a duration of 5 years, why 5 years because suppose they encounter losses that can be compensated with bonds interest

3) Where food scarcity is their complementary companies must issue free short term bonds to farmers on the spot payment of cash to encounter losses which indirectly effect complementary companies

4) These complementary companies who have issued free short term bonds in association with life insurance would be paid back to companies by making farmers associate with life insurance + general insurance

5) That means complementary companies with life insurance+ general insurance under their belt would promote bonds to the farmers under losses.

6) So complementary companies must tie up with insurance sector

Who are these complementary companies?

1) Life insurance
2) Fertilizer companies
3) Banks
4) Agro based industries
5) Seed companies


Inflation is the burning problem in any country,

Now seen all over the world affecting entire countries at one go because of globalization

Inflation is also important as it checks the growth of the economy

Inflation has to grow minimum 2% annually to show growth

But above certain percentage say 9% and above is always dangerous signal

Those who want to read inflation and its importance to economy

Check up

If the inflation rate is more than 9% and above in the country

What is the solution?

a) In finance convertible bonds into shares play a major role in inflation

By helping companies generate revenue for themselves in times of inflation

And give a small percentage to shareholders on the spot without waiting for few months.

This would assist in getting the money faster in inflation to the company

But excess selling of these bonds can have reverse affect

Have to check it out practically in small denominations


IN 21st century mismanagement of companies is happening a lot; people are having big problem of finance and insecurity of at any given point of time loss of pay or job

For those companies whose employees have been removed because of mismanagement by board members

1) Check out the employees who have life insurance under their belt

2) Check out the number of years the employees have to pay installments for life insurance

3) Those installments which are at the fag end of their installments payments should be given annuities style of payment of smaller denominations to get insurance or pension under life insurance

4) Employees who have just started payment of life insurance would be clubbed together with other employees under same bracket would be checked with medical insurance payment or not.

5) if there is no medical insurance bracket in life insurance these employees would be given medical insurance through accidental case by converting the amount of life insurance of their money into accidental benefit through optional plan for themselves and for family members by pooling up their money under a fund created by employees themselves monitored by the government

6) Those employees who have medical insurance under life insurance would be converted to mutual funds. These mutual funds would be paid for life insurance sum that means we are asking mutual funds money to be paid as installments towards life insurance by respective employees of the company which means group life insurance of smaller denominations under mutual funds

This needs to be fine tuned by respective companies


National security is handled by home ministry with defense minister as per my knowledge goes

National security problem need not come from outside forces; inside forces can also create national security with passage of time say for example

Misuse of Technology by selected few who handle it at top management in states say of INDIA

Army, Air force, Navy is needed by country to protect its borders

Stringent rules with a detailed report about companies usage of technology with vision and mission regarding this vital aspect of usage of technology has to be taken into consideration at regular intervals by state government and sent a report to union government

Key sectors monitoring is vital by both state and central government survival

Supreme Court judges must come up with the rules and regulations to key sectors
As they are ones who pass on the judgment regarding key issues of country security

Supreme Court say INDIA has to pass on judgment and responsibility of framing these rules with the help of UNITED NATIONS


Friday, October 2, 2009



trust : it is something which binds people together without arousing resentment while working with each other

in today's 21st century can we ever find trust among people. This trust in people was founded way back in 1995 under the heading called as corporate governance. then the discussion starts as to why it corporate governance could not be utilised by government bodies properly. why did it went or still gone into the backdrop without any notice ?

In the 4c concept i jagadish prasad tried to show that trust generates lot of revenue for both government bodies and companies. still jagadish believes that trust has still only germinated , it hasn't come into with any full swing of a bat. it still works in bits and pieces. according to jagadish trust can only be developed by meeting commitments on regular basis , the chance being given to opposition based upon the number of trusts an individual wants to give to other party.

this giving up chances is again dependent upon how much the party believes in trust for example if the individual believes in 50% of time in trust , he gives 50% commitment to his whom he wants to assign the task .

how much should a person trust a person in 21st century. again it is left to individual of how much trust he has on himself. it is very interesting to note that if a person trusts himself and his commitment towards the task he has undertaken is to his full satisfaction automatically his trust on others also increases because of his belief and commitment he expects from others as he is also committed and expects the same commitment from others as he individually has shown on others.

why do people not show the same commitment which people expects?
people by nature are always want to show that they are busy in their schedule., they are not committed towards work as others are. they want to complete the task as quickly as possible. people have different taste buds, some want to watch movies whenever they get time others in their own interest pursuits. based upon this psychology if we assign a task which the person is least interested in automatically his commitment either trust or work gets depleted.

if you have observed how job interview vacancy is given. it is to be noted that they specify that we want marketing executives who are self motivated and who has commitments high enough to get work done without any support. he should have to develop contacts by himself and generate revenue for the company

what we can gauge from here is that in today’s scenario trust is getting depleted day by day in the reverse way. companies are giving scope to people to develop their passions. job enlargement is one way of knowing what employees can achieve by working for their respective companies.

trust if has to truly shine can only be shined if people are ethical . and how to judge ethics of people if by showing regularly the commitment levels by people on a consistent basis. if people are ethical companies can prosper exceptionally well which in return helps the society develop good citizens, ethical citizens and ethical society for the new generation to follow on good path set by elders and present middle aged generation for the new generation to follow.

why did Gandhi says that truth , trust in others is difficult to follow. it was seen in Hindi film lage raho munna bhai. Gandhi said " my path is very difficult to travel " almost something like this . why did Gandhi even whole society feels that truth is difficult to follow. why?

while speaking truth and having trust should be a normal game . one only has to do is to speak whatever activities he has done in a truthful manner. my mother in my childhood used to say tell white lies if it benefits others. i always used to debate that even white lies is a lie. why to speak white lie? if one questions that you were lying people say it was a white lie. how come Gandhi's truth is difficult to follow i haven't still understood. people don't want to commit themselves. in the olden generation of Indian mythology people of war clan used to commit and used to kill themselves if they hadn't shown commitment towards their words spoken. if spoken they have to be followed word to word

amazingly this path was abandoned because jagadish feels that after British east India company came to India. east India company took advantage of this i wouldn't say flaw but Indian realized it later . east India company must have felt happy that Indians were stupid in killing themselves for simple reason of showing commitment towards words spoken with commitment. later on Indians became smart and stopped and started changing their commitments regularly. the biggest advantage which India gained because of east India company was its giving away language English to Indians without their knowledge thus helping small part of the country independently making them united as one single nation called India bharat.

what happens if commitments are honoured by citizens of respective countries and companies

1 confidence level among people increases
2 people develop faith . quotation says faith moves mountains
3 commitment towards work increases
4 knowledge can be shared between nations very quickly with faith

trust can also be developed through collaboration/coordination between government bodies and companies. why to develop coordination.? it is to meet unforeseen contingencies in respective industries by their respective companies so that the industry doesn't collapse just like that.
i call it spiritual marketing concept.

spiritual marketing concept : under this concept companies help each other in developing strategies for each other and try to cooperate in developing competition and cooperation in their respective industries

the basis of foundation of this concept would be on 3 layers
1 trust
2 perfect relationship management
3 participative marketing management

perfect relationship management : it can be defined as something when 2 or more parties come together and think for on behalf of their companies and come out with better solutions either through collaboration or through cooperation

collaboration : this is defined as 2 or more companies considered competitors in the market, come together to solve industry problems

perfect relationship management :
a relationship where companies 2 or more join hands together for a common cause

participative marketing concept : it is a conceptual tool to determine the complementors, competitors for the company and help company to provide solutions to the existing problems in the industry it represents

The following is the article written with gusto feeling and ended it with participation of various companies.

it is my sincere request to anyone who has seen this article think for themselves whether trust, confidence. truth, commitment can be incorporated in the companies and government bodies or not.



complementors for respective companies

complementor : it is defined as two or more companies coming together with the idea of adding value addition to each other without each other support the companies cannot survive

a complementor for a company need not be from the same industry, it can be from other industries also

example : petroleum , paper industries are common to all industries

IT industry and BPO

complementor is human capital

human capital is complementor to all industries

it is so because IT company generates revenue for itself through projects, but these projects stay with the company for 5 to 10 years contract , after which contract expires and again fresh contract is signed. this signed contract cannot be done again with the same company hence companies cannot be complementors

hence these project are done by team leaders in IT and their respective team members, hence it team leader fails in the project done by his team members and himself revenue is at loss to the company and hence human capital is the hallmark of complementors

without team leader help company cannot generate revenue and without company IT team leader cannot earn salary, retrenchment problem is the highlight of IT and BPO depending upon human capital.

now question arises except the team leaders are others also complementors to industries or not . this can be proved with the help of intellectual capitalism of individuals

suppose a team leader has 4 to 5 members, out of them 1 is highly intellectual than team leader he can be an asset to the company and also to other industries if he comes under knowledge regarding other fields specially strategy wing of companies.

example of hr terminology is body shopping which takes place within an industry and also outside industry but rarely

under 4c, knowledge capitalism can be shared between companies within an industry or outside industry under strategy wing, without body shopping by allowing respective knowledge based personality to work simultaneously under different companies within industry

sharing of knowledge between companies

jagadish terminology is commandoes

if we take into consideration in BPO sector

complementors by themselves are voice trainers it is so because without voice trainers employers cannot decide which are beneficial employees or not to their companies.hence voice trainers train their employees and generate revenue for the company

but it has to be taken into notice that their are voice trainers outside the jurisdiction of BPO companies which can be recruited under 4c concept

Auto industry

complementor is

distributors (saboo motors)
insurance (complementor to all industries)
companies handling spare parts
petroleum industry
paper industry (complementor to all industries)

mechanics are useful as a complementor to a company because most of the decisions customers or consumers take is in discussion with motor mechanics . these mechanics as they work with company products know the loopholes of the company products and consumers believe in them

example : castrol oil ad

distributors like saboo motors handle cars etc manufactured by companies. these distributors know the track record of consumers who handle the purchases. with the help of distributors auto industry can manufacture those products which are fast saleable to consumers who purchase these auto industry

insurance as per motor act is mandatory hence insurance by default is a complementor to auto industry

companies handling spare parts are also complementary because if spare parts are not available companies either have to manufacture by themselves or have to depend on other companies who manufacture their spare part related to cars, scooters, motorcycles

petroleum industry is by default complementary to anything without which as of now auto industry doesn't run

paper industry is complementor to all industries because without paper industry circulation of information to customers cannot be highlighted

Media and Entertainment

complementor is cable network companies

for newspapers , magazines and internet (market space) it is contracts

contracts are complementary for any company

now to do analysis why cable network companies and not others

what does media look at

gossips, that is where revenue generation is done because TRP comes into play

the more the TRP the better the revenue, the more the revenue more companies invest

but TRP cannot be complementor because TRP changes with each change in news, hence time slots also change and complementor if it is company at that point of time would leave because of poor TRP rating hence TRP is discarded

complementor is defined as something where both the companies are at same level field without getting into losses when matched evenly,

another thing if time slots are checked up instead of TRP for a company in mass media is TV radio then information at that point of time is changing, news change hence loss to the company if complementor company invest at that point of time company would leave because of bad information, hence time slots also cannot be decided as complementor because revenue at that time slot has to change with each change in information

complementor is said as someone where through his existence revenue has to increase and not decrease

so if companies are considered as complementors they also change with change in time slot information or TRP change loss to the media company hence companies also cannot be termed as complementors for the media

hence if complementor is said to be main company cable operators like C channel,
Maa channel etc they become complementary because if they exist and promote channel companies, revenue is generated and TRP is increased which benefits both cable operators to promote channels and channel companies like CNBC etc can get huge TRPs.

so channel companies should promote their companies by partnership with cable operator companies to generate revenue for themselves.

hence these main cable operator companies become the automatic choice for mass media in TV as complementors.

what about market space (internet) operated by mass media channels as CNBC and etc
in this respect the complementor for market space is contracts with companies

newspapers companies complementors are company advertising agencies and again they are based on contract

hence contract is complementary to newspapers , magazines because without which no company comes into play , how long should these contracts be their between two companies, i havent said that companies which are into ads in newspapers are complementors it is the contract signed by companies between the two or more is a complementor

to prove that contract is the complementor it can be proved by saying that contracts exist to generate revenue and if contracts expire the revenue is lost between two or more companies and not with coming or going of companies for ad space in market space or newspapers or magazines.

Real Estate

complementor is websites of real estate companies

websites is complementor to all industries

if we take real estates real estates purchase land either from government or from farmers
but this purchase of land is restricted to overall growth annually is 2% maximum as stated in free lunch textbook of economics

so farmers government cannot be complementors to the real estate because they generate revenue marginally

what is the actual real money generated by real estate
it is construction activity which 98% money generation

converting of single storeyed to double , tripple storeys

hence if this promotional activity is done through websites which are made exclusively by the real estates business can easily be generated

but this generation of revenue can happen through word of mouth where websites like sulekha etc can be promoted

websites are the craze of 21st century, hence if websites are created, knowledge about real estates increases and also through word of mouth of real estate websites hence without websites company real estate revenue cannot be generated and without customers knowing how many real estates are their in india they cannot purchase hence website promotion if it is done revenue can be generated by real estates.


10 Deadly Sins




1) The company is not sufficiently market focused and customer driven

what happens if a company is not sufficiently market focused

a) loses track of customer focus

b) excess cash lost by companies

c) complementor company loses revenue of the company it is related to—negatively

d) Competitor takes away market revenue away from company


a) management information system ( ERP in retail sector)

b) weekly magazine updation in the press report (All india press association)

c) B2B monthly circulation about company activities with its customers

d) fortnight report from both complementor and company research handling

e) company kiosk to be set up at eating places and shopping places

II) the company is not properly customer driven :

what happens if company is not properly customer driven

a) customer switching cost happens

b) life time value of customers to company is lost

c) complementor loses money and runs out of market affecting the company


a) cash bonus awards for getting customer database

b) tie up with job search engine companies
c) market space report with the help of surfers

d) MIS with organized retailers

2) The company does not fully understand its target customers

if company does not fully understand its target customers what happens

a) loss of monthly revenue even advertising on products sold to the geographic locations

b) loss to complementor products and brand loss to both company and complementor

c) loss of goodwill to both complementor and company


a) enroll opinion leaders into the wing of company employee enrollment

selecting opinion leaders can be done by looking at the database answers generated by the press reports to editors

b) introduction of multi level marketing selling products from customer to customer

c) place an employee of the company at organised retail outlets to do survey as to which products that sell and which do not pose a small query of yes and no option to be filled up by the consumers

d) conduct kiosk at different localities to find out the pulse where kiosk products are being purchased in wholesome

3) The company needs to better define and monitor its competitors

if company monitors its competitors it has advantage of

a) latest trends followed by competitors

b) know consumer behavior through introduction of products and brands introduced by competitors

c) can share/know intellectual capitalism

d) reduce money expenditure


how to monitor competitors

a) management meets (sharing information by company)

b) training and development conducted industry wise

c) segmentation, targeting, positioning of company products SWOT information through retail segment

4) The company has not properly managed its relationships with its stakeholders

what happens if relationship with stakeholders creates friction

a) lose in market share and share price for the company

b) loses due to switching cost of brand/product

c) winding up of company

solution :

a) monthly reports about company progress

b) CSOP (customer stock option plan)

c) yearly surprise element in form of books/money to be given to say you are special (think)

5) The company is not good at finding new opportunities

what happens if company is not able to find new opportunities

a) loses to competitors (switching cost)

b) employees become stagnant in information

c) loses goodwill


how to find new opportunities

a) black commandoes, industry wise through knowledge sharing

b) stakeholders feed back

c) management books (knowledge)

6) The companies marketing plans and planning process are deficient

what happens if marketing plans and planning process is in deficiency

a) lack of correct strategy by company (wrong input wrong output)

b) ERP information cannot give right data nor company can design right ERP industry wise

c) no right segmentation, targeting , positioning of product/brand giving loses to company

solution :

how to make planning foolproof

planning process can never be foolproof because defects are common

the more you do planning, the more experience you would gain which would remove defects

in this changing world scenario information keeps on changing

one has to have

a) updated knowledge and keep revising

b) huge output of secondary data on strategy being used on brands

c) psychographic, geographic trends to be followed through research every 6 months

6 months because, brand in today's generation life period is 6 months

how did this 6 months came as life period of brand

one month to see whether segmentation, targeting positioning of brand is rightly placed or not

second month to see the competition and to fight it out

third month to see whether advertising is hitting the consumers mind
fourth month to get feedback

fifth month to check out whether swot is applicable or not

sixth month to see the fall of brand or, is it earned through cash cow

7) The companies product and service policies need tightening

product/service policies : these are the policies designed by company to earn revenue for the company to which product/service represents to.

what happens if companies product and service policy is not tightened

a) information loss to competitors

b) frequent changes being made to products without any single policy

c) not able to handle pressure because of lack of proper policies- no clear cut rules
solution :

how to see that proper policies are being followed without changing them

a) regular meet of CIO (customer information officers )every quarterly to see progress made in information regarding companies/industries

b) frequent video conferencing with stakeholders to update them on current issues faced by company and asking for advice else direction

c) market space (internet) survey at inbox to stakeholders/B2B customers periodically to see, they are satisfied or not with company policies

8) The companies brand building and communication channels are weak

what happens if brand building and communication channels are weak

a) product information loss to customer (B2B,B2C,C2C)

b) sales decline

c) no proper segmentation, targeting, positioning

how to strengthen communication channels

a) spread word of mouth about products through employees of companies
b) promoting through education channels/websites in television, internet in today's century (knowledge capitalism)

c) writing articles in Internet about products

d) promotion through combos in newspapers (information about company brochures)

9) The company is not well organized to carry on effective and efficient marketing

what happens if company is not effective in marketing

a) lack of STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning ) of both products/brands

b) no proper marketing channels to sell effectively brands

c) costly advertising campaign


how to do effective marketing for brands

a) through SWOT of both geographic and psychographic

b) selling of ecological based products / brands in 21st century to be effective

c) supply chain management to be monitored through proper MIS (Management Information System)

10) The company has not made maximum use of technology

what happens if technology is not used to its maximum

if technology is not maximum usage, nothing happens because their is no upper limit or lower limit to technology , it grows, grows and grows

example: microsoft came with windows it was called maximum limit , again microsoft came with windows xp, people said is their any limit., they are still venturing out for advancement in technology

sometimes technology advancement can eat away revenue through advanced automation without companies knowledge

how to know when to stop advancement in technology

personal desire of human being is the answer, otherwise it is self destructive in the long run


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jagadish ansoff model

Jagadish ansoff model

Jagadish wants to disclose the 4c concept

4c concept is actually based upon 4 fulcrum stuff


jagadish based on these 4c concept developed the ansoff model which is discussed below

spiritual marketing concept 4c : under this concept companies help each other in
developing strategies for each other and try to cooperate in developing competition and
cooperation in their respective industries

the basis of foundation of this concept would be on 3 layers
1 trust
2 perfect relationship management
3 participative marketing management

customer here is defined as both b2b customer and end user customer.

end user (new or old customer) : can be termed as company going to new or old geographical areas where products are being sold

old price :can be defined as the price originally fixed by the company 3 to 6 months back for the products sold । here new customer is new areas or b2b where company can cater to old price just to make the area geographically strong

existing price : is defined as the products being priced without any change and sold at current price sold regularly

average price is defined as price quoted for the similar products sold at their market rate taken averagely by similar products price tag

new price is defined as price fixed by changing the existing price tag for the products sold by the company

ansoff model 1 under 4c concept

Ansoff models to be discussed

new customer old competitor/company -------- old price/existing price

old customer new competitor/company ------- existing price

new customer new competitor/company ------- average price

old customer old competitor/company -------- new price

ansoff model 2 4c concept

old competitor old company ----- existing price

new competitor old company ----- new price

new competitor new company ----- average price

old competitor new company ------ old price/ existing price

ansoff model 3 4c concept

new complementor old company --------- existing price

old complementor new company --------- old price/existing price

old complementor old company ---------- average price

new complementor new company ------- new price


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Managing Information



Q1) what is information ?

Ans) information is defined as any thing which gives value to decisions taken by people

Q2) what are the steps needed to get/manage information on brands ?

Ans) steps needed to get/manage information are

step one

prioritize information as per company core competency

step two

check out the database available in internet based upon your core competency information

step three

streamline as per companies man power requirement

step four

prioritize information based upon the company product brand requirement

step five

brands which are successful has to be channelised first through information

step six

brands which are into losses or average sales, must be given least preference, because these as per jagadish, are selling based upon word of mouth and not the other mediums
of communication

step seven :

check out the information between success and failure brands information and do SWOT analysis to get results

step eight

check out the working capital (cash in hand) to do research on successful products
Continuing them on mature stage so that they don’t lose sales

step nine :

Do SWOT on successful and unsuccessful brands based upon regular updation of information

Q3) what are the drawbacks in information gathering ?

Ans) the major drawbacks in information gathering are

1) psychological outlook based upon perception of individual doing the data collection
2) family influence of brought up of individual collecting the information
3) geographical locations
4) society influence

how to overcome them

step one :

check out the locality where the database is being generated and select the employee from that locality

step 2 :

recruitment based upon career anchors ( as suited to the type of company)

career anchors

1) Recruitment based upon creativity
2) recruitment based upon security
3) recruitment based upon independence
4) recruitment based upon functional else technical competence

Q4) how to overcome information loss ?

Ans) this is to state that if their is excess information and one doesn’t know how to manage it then what to do

a) specialized units of people looking out for information - brand, advertisement etc
b) synopsis information -takes time but effective
c) 24x7 employees working on database (day/night shift)
d) checking out information on video format (voice based information synopsis)
e) weekly reports on database information

Q5) how to avoid getting information which is unrelated to core activity of companies ?

Ans) it is by

a) checking out the consistency in information about the website that is being used
b) segregating the information from source code on daily basis to check for consistency
c) check out the consistency in the publisher list of books to decipher information (wiley)
d) ultimately it is consistency in the quality information which would give results and not
other way by going for lesser but popular websites/publishers (well noted- monitoring)

check out my website (blogs i am following in my view profile)

Q6) how to manage daily information ?

Ans) the different ways by which company can manage daily information effectively are

a) voice based information synopsis at end of day
b) prioritize information based upon core competency of the company
c) industry based information gathering team under 4c concept

spiritual marketing concept : under this concept companies help each other in developing strategies for each other and try to cooperate in developing competition and cooperation in their respective industries

Q7) what is the role of ceo in getting information for his company ?

Ans) the role of ceo in getting information for his company is

a) 24*7 employees to be recruited
b) toll free service
c) black commandoes ( these people have to get information from industry wise)
these black commandoes would be used industry wise gathering and sharing information industry and nation wide

percentage decided by companies themselves

jagadish feels it to be 2 to 3 % industry wise

2 to 3 % because they have to be managed by ceos else board members

Q8) how to avoid getting unnecessary information ?

Ans) the different ways by which companies can avoid getting unnecessary information are

a) concentration on core competency information
b) prioritizing information based upon daily requirement of problems encountered per day
c) discussion between board members (company wise and industry wise)

Q9) how can companies prioritize information which it needs ?

Ans) companies can prioritize information which it needs by

a) companies core competency
b) companies training and development wing
c) information used repeatedly by black commandoes

Q10) how can brainstorming activity affect information gathering ?

Ans) brainstorming helps companies come up with questionnaire which might solve the current issues regarding information as done by myself here through this questionnaire

the main idea is to solve the questionnaire and not to remove the questionnaire through brainstorming way

Q11) what are the ways to get quality information ?

Ans) the different ways by which companies can get quality information through

a) track record of the website/publisher
b) repeated usage of information from common source (
c) word of mouth spreading information

Q12) what can be the model to get right information for companies ?

Ans) the perfect model to get right information for companies is

step one

prioritize information as per company core competency

step two

check out the database available in internet based upon your core competency information

step three

streamline as per companies man power requirement

step four :

Do SWOT on successful and unsuccessful information weekly to know the mistakes in decision making

Q13) what is the role of delegation (4c concept) in the information gathering field in companies ?

Ans) under 4c companies can share the burden of information between companies in particular industry, and can do research through sharing of information on similar grounds saving money and energy in gathering information in their respective industries

Q14) what role can 4c play in getting quality stuff information ?

Ans) companies can

a) share information with less cost
b) develop black commandoes
c) industry wise call centre information gathering wing
d) faster access of daily information through 4c


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Marketing memos

marketing memos

philip kotler

analysed by jagadish

Q1) how can company spot and chose the right market segments ?

Ans) the company can chose the right market segments based upon

a) vision and mission of the company
b) product pricing of the company
c) population index of the country

Q2)how can we differentiate one offering to another offering ?

Ans) we can differentiate one offering to another offering by going with

a) product, place , price, promotion offering
b) marketing channels differentiation of products to be sold by companies
c) geographic, demographic, psychographic differentiation between products

Q3) how should we respond to customers who buy on price ?

Ans) when customers buy products based on price , it should be responded through

a) combos to be sold by respective companies
b) CSOP (customer stock option plan)
c) market space differentiation between company websites

Q4) how can company compete against lower cost, lower price competitors ?

Ans) a company can compete against lower cost or lower price competitors by

a) setting up kiosk cum company outlets
b) focus, differentiation between competitors by attacking both strengths and weaknesses
c) going with complementors promoting each other product under 4c combos
d) producing a new product against existing lower price product till competitors product gets eliminated out from the market

Q5) how far can we go in customizing our offering for each customer ?

Ans) customizing offering for each customer should not be done because

a) huge database can be generated only group wise
b) each customer has different pay scale which cannot be judged by company
c) family to family choices are different

on the other hand offerings to customers should be done through

a) focus group, opinion leaders
b) geographical wise ,
c) demographic wise
d) retail store wise

Q6) how can companies grow its business ?

Ans) companies can grow business through different ways, it is through

a) mergers, acquisitions
b) franchises
c) setting up company outlets
d) setting up company websites
e) creating quality company brand
f) good relationship with supply chain management
g) stakeholders being satisfied through ERP sales report

Q7) how can company build stronger brands ?

Ans) the company can build stronger brands by studying

a) history of brand report over the period of 6 months
b) by studying the mode of marketing channels
c) by studying the effects of 4c concept and its implications on brand image
d) by making a comparative analysis by industry segment wise through common ERP ground

Q8) how can company reduce the cost of customer acquisition ?

Ans) customer acquisition : it is defined as acquiring product, services from a company

how to reduce the cost of this customer acquisition

a) company outlets in towns (how many towns , cities are their in a country)
b) video conferencing with stakeholders
c) google chat with key partners
d) ERP in retail organised sector industry wise

Q9) how can we keep our customers loyal for longer ?

Ans) customers can be kept loyal by companies through

a) customer stock option plan
b) industry site visits
c) free gifts,combos, bonazas on occassions
d) cost leadership , focus, differentiation (innovations)
e) psychographic segmentation (attitudes known through focus groups)

how to check out focus groups

focus groups are defined as groups that have similar taste buds

these focus groups can be known through census (house rent determines salary earned)

how would they give opinion

data through ERP from organised retail stores--debit card purchases over a period of one month

one month is the normal overall expenditure of a family

Q10) how can we tell which customers are more important ?

Ans) we can tell which customers are more important by

a) checking out the repeat purchasers through ERP in organised retail store
b) checking out who are the customers who go for repeated CSOP (customer stock option plan)
c) customers in B2B who insist on quality and service rather than quantity sales
d) customers who purchase under combos

Q11) how can company measure the payback from advertising, sales promotion, and public relations ?

Ans) the company can measure payback from advertising, sales promotion and public relations

this means these are communication channels now how to measure communication channels

it is like measuring goodwill of the company

2) goodwill calculation

goodwill percentage =

total cash increase or decrease in comparison to previous quarterly in previous year

by share price increase or decrease compared to previous quarterly in previous year

to be checked again through discussion

now how to calculate it individually

cash increase or decrease individually

1) cash increase decrease in advertising
2) cash increase decrease in sales promotion
3) cash increase decrease in public relations

individual amounts

to be checked out not sure later on analysis

Q12) how can company improve sales force productivity ?

Ans) companies can improve sales force productivity through ways like

a) ERP (Enterprise Resource planning)
b) management books (new/old tips from different companies information)
c) in house training (situation based analysis)

Q13) how can we establish multiple channels and yet manage channel conflict ?

Ans) channel conflict is defined as conflict arising between departments in a company

how to manage channel conflict they are

a) set up a advisory board to monitor daily routine of inter departmental problems
b) set up a drop box problems and checked out as per importance monitored by board of directors
c) problems of inter departmental to be solved through Internet ERP within 24 hours otherwise problem is passed out to higher authority if not solved within the time frame

Q14) how can we get the other company departments to be more customer oriented ?

Ans) one can get other company departments to be more customer oriented by following

These steps should be seen taken by other departments

step 1

what are the steps taken by marketing department to be customer focus

step 2

which are the rules followed by marketing department

step 3

what are the limitations of marketing department where other departments can become an asset to marketing department of the company

step 4

prepare a daily report of the marketing wing and contribution of the specific department in connection to marketing wing

step 5

hand it over the report to marketing department at the end of the day for scrutiny and make them aware of the help they other than marketing department is giving to them.

this would make the company departments come closer together.