Thursday, December 2, 2010





In this world many people have given birth to different powerful personalities but only few survived over a period of lifetime and are remembered, most of the others are into existence and left and are remembered if referred to through books

MORAL : if you have writing skills and knowledge in life, write one book and proclaim to world that you exist in this world

EINSTEIN, jack Welsh etc are remembered throughout ages to come through known by word of mouth spreading , this is long lasting and effective, many have lived life known in that age group but people in India and world know MAHATMA GANDHI and his book of autobiography even now sells, others also wrote their own autobiography like PUNDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU but he is not referred to by the world, few in INDIA know his autobiography

in this literature i want to write for myself as to what qualities are needed, why they are needed, what makes these personalities a great personality , this would take me years to produce this literature but every body says patience rewards at the end , let me get that reward for myself, it will be a true journey of me and to the crores of people who would refer this book,

life changing personalities reference through autobiographies which this book has been referred as

what can this article teach humanity ?

. In Hinduism what highest personality trait which sells in this world is atma balam called as strength of spirit which is considered to be the highest form of strength . how to get it , that is what these personalities depict which i am doing research upon to highlight as to what made these personalities suffer, pain and pleasure , these selected few have seen ups and downs of life, one being EINSTEIN, ADOLF HITLER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN etc . the others would be known to you and to me in due course of time

Many people have suffered , nobodies life has come without tussle, the great EINSTEIN history is full of tension, but he looked at other means like music to release his tension, music is also my own way and should be everyone way of releasing the problems of life, WORLD is fortunate that music has become a part and parcel of the way of life, where research has gone to such a way that pop music to rap songs to dances have released the tensions of life, continue it is what many great stalwarts have advised the whole world

MORAL : Music is best reliever of tensions posed by mankind themselves

In history of mankind their have been many debates over a period of times as to existence and proof of GOD. big big stalwarts of over the world debated and debates are still going on as to what led people to believe in the existence of super natural human beings born on this planet earth. Eastern philosophy went on debating about spirit and spirit strength . the question is whether believe in atheism or theism in this world. Bhagavad Gita talks about bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and sankhya yoga which have been explained by me in small treatise of bhagavad gita written by myself. the answer which every one looks out for is that

believe in GOD and people if it give you strength to live in this life, ultimately it boils down to as to how you led life which was given to you by your parents.

MORAL : strength in life gives you valour to face daily obstacles, look for mentors ---GOD OR HUMAN BEINGS

people in the bracket of big personalities or say famous personalities have one characteristic feature in them if looked closely, they look at experimentation of anything they catch hold off, they looks at growth of themselves where reading is mandatory , learning new things through self motivation is highest virtue in them,

why this is seen, it is seen because they feel their life history is boring if left at the same place where they have begun so in order to make their life exciting they venture out to new areas to see for themselves what they can contribute,

contribution to society is also another characteristic feature in them both personal and society plays an important role in them. they don't sit back saying i contributed so i need not do anything from now on. it is also seen in this society that if a person has the mindset to contribute which if comes from heart of hearts even nature supports him and through commonsense approach with intelligence the person can easily earn money

MORAL : Reading is mandatory, contribution is important,learning new things is way of life

good stalwarts have one good ingredient that is allotment of time , they don’t waste their time if they find that with that allotment of time spent they aren’t getting results which somehow directly or indirectly doesn’t enhance their satisfaction level . they take up only those assignments which are useful to them and leave the others or delegate away the work if they consider the work as minsicule as per their judgement

MORAL : Work to be undertaken only if satisfying the task gives mental satisfaction

over a period of time after reading few literature of these famous personalities i came to certain conclusions. quite mind boggling . you must be thinking what were the conclusions i encountered. its very interesting

1) you must be a good student and consider these famous stalwarts as your teachers

2) to understand their mindset one must possess inherent knowledge of their field

3) your brain waves must be on par with them and as per judging their brain waves is concerned --- understanding them becomes important either their life or their job

4) these personalities are always nation lovers and not personal life lovers-- meaning nation comes first , work comes second and family and family affairs come last to their minds

5) lastly very interesting about famous personalities is they (contributors to
nation/society) always ask and feel comfortable when they actually find/meet/marry intelligent wives

they go on marrying and give divorces till they actually meet the intelligence of women they want to associate with lifelong and amazingly it is always accepted by the women is quite amazing. the man says she was broad minded and the woman say i got an intellectual under my belt

highly debatable topic

In Einstein biography Clark very boldly highlighted a fact that light travels very fast and if according to Einstein opinion as highlighted by Clark specified that if one person runs today faster than light he would reach yesterday night (General or special theory of relativity)

how would one believe this statement ? do you believe in it ? if you believe in this you are a fool

analysis goes that if one goes faster than light according to me he is still in present because light and time are independent . you are asking a dead person alive ?

think ?

every second a person dies , a person who dies to see him alive one if travels faster than light how can it be true to see a dead person alive ?

again think ?

building or thinking of time machines don't exist in real life

example : supersonic planes go faster than sound . if Einstein theory was correct we should be able to hear sound of ourselves which we spoke, but we don't hear as per my commonsense , otherwise by now it would be talk of whole world

think ? relate it to speed of light


Lets talk about core of earth issue, to move actually one needs force, does gravitation in earth exist is one question i posed to myself , to move force is required to move yourself energy is required ,

Geo satellites stationary require movement to sustain at same point , otherwise due to lack of fuel energy, force they change their location point set up by the scientists staying in earth, now to put them back into same location scientists keep updating their locations

now earth to sustain at same point also must require same energy, where is it coming from

think ? i gave a clue

it is core of the earth which is still burning with fire

without internal energy no body mass can sustain either human being, plants, animals or any living thing except dead

think ? pose questions to yourself ?

its scary but this is life where facts play more important role and give solutions to sustain

MORAL : self analysis of situations is best way to come out of life problems. fear
kills solutions, but facing facts with valour gives solution either now or in future

In the biography of Einstein after post 1914-18 world war 1 their has been a reaction in the whole world as to take Germany very very seriously to despise its people and people in Germany had a notion that they the world misinterpreted the emotions of Germans .wrongly

what you gather from this database is people always like to blame others for their actions which is either intelligent or stupid, when they interpret their actions they consider it intelligent and if somebody interprets as to their liking it is called misinterpretation of data

actually no data is interpreted correctly in this world is one saying


Most of biographies seen in the management arena of running companies mostly it is

a) Re-engineering of company
b) Restructuring of company is not seen at all

most of the problems are time saving mechanism of work load pooled up which hasn't been segregated on priority list


pro-activeness which is the biggest booster to human beings actually according to me comes from mental strength of an individual

think ?


when you look at your mind is what i gathered over a period of time of observing mind is that nature in the form of mind actually assigns tasks to human beings and based upon those thoughts human beings give direction to themselves

if you think on thoughts generated in mind positive you are free from tension, if you think negatively you are bound to get diseases


think ?



lets talks about first the verdict of brave high court of INDIA for giving a judgement on ramjanmabhoomi which is hot debate of RSS and BJP to certain extent CONGRESS I

The whole political system in INDIA is tussling on an issue which is already a past history of great INDIA

suppose i consider them both rama and ravana as real as rulers and fought a normal battle with each other and rama killed ravana in a normal battle even then i cant consider hanuman and a troupe of monkeys solving the battle problem,

what was the language of hanuman who was a monkey type by birth being depicted by ved vyasa

if hanuman was also a human being and told as a monkey birth, epic has been misinterpreted to larger extent with over a period of centuries by different authors giving wrong picture of nation

with misinterpreted data we cant predict and fight with each other , and create friction within society

Ramayana is considered to be epic story of lord Rama , their are certain loopholes in it . if you use logical reasoning to it as i have put it with myself, normally childbirth by women is done within 3 to say 5 years after marriage

in Ramayana the birth of child is given after 14 years of forest life , how can it be possible when it was stated in puranas that sita mata was sexual hungry known by everyone including RSS knows it if i am correct

next in Ramayana lord Rama touched a stone and the stone disappeared and human being got into place who actually was in it since 20 to 30 years during his lifetime because of some magic potion being given to him by some brahmin who had powers during his time

logical reasoning says that over a period of decades human strength and powers have actually lost with passage of time if thought logically, is it really practicable of powers being their that too with all humanity during those times where all are considered to be powerful

in todays generation their are only few who have powers and not all

in Ramayana hanuman actually flies in air and lord rama cant fly and Rama is more powerful than hanuman because lord Rama is actually lord vishnu avatar

hanuman actually is wise, intelligent, knowledgable being in those times , its quite contradictory statement that when laxman actually becomes unconscious in war and vibhishan actually asks for jadibooti from rama , he sends hanuman and hanuman actually lifts a mountain and carries it to the war field, where did he actuallly place that mountain when he landed on warfare and how come he didnt knows those jadibooti and how come he is considered to be knowledgeable .

in those times and even now swamijis are considered to be knowledgeable in this science of jadi booti

in those days monkey name was actually called as intelligent where monkeys ruled nations and hanuman was considered to be king in those times who discarded kingdom to serve lord Rama

where did the clan of hanuman entire public disappear

sita mata was born on earth through earth normally birth of human being happen through women how can she disappear in the end by jumping inside earth which is full of molten lava and die in the end leaving lord rama with children to rule ayodhya

I consider the entire ramayana written is a novel written by valmiki , he must be a novelist also in those times as seen today in the form of novelists popular like jeffrey archer who writes on human beings stories

vibhishana in ramayana was a hard core devotee of lord rama in ramayana but the brother ravana doesn't bother about rama and vibhishana fights ravana in the court and leaves the kingdom and very interestingly highlights about death on certain part of body and not head during ending phase of ravana. ravana projects the story of having 10 heads. how can it be true, how can one head is masaccared and another head of similar type take shape within seconds,

highly impossible, human beings have bones, nerves and many tendons to support each other

ravana story if anybody knows was a soldier living in kailash drank nectar of life never to die and came to earth to do penance and die in the hands of lord Rama was ravanas background

where is that kailash , was it kailashkher of CHINA INDIA border, nobody resides their


ramanand sagar must have projected a picture which may be false to certain extent but not entire certain episodes must be true , nobody projects a picture which doesnt have true picture of actual story in it, episodes few must be true taken from the actual epic story of LORD RAMA


now lets talk about the great epic story of MAHABHARATHA OF LORD KRISHNA

here their is some analysis i am going to do lets see whether public and concerned people do the same agree or disagree

in Mahabharata also their is same problem which was encountered in Ramayana, child birth , its very very horrible

kauravas sena 100 sons, how is it possible ?

think on your own ?

to give birth it takes 9 months as per science is concerned and then Dhritrashtra was blind and his wife was only one and that wife also ties a band in her eyes throughout her life blindfoldedly till the end of war and never has seen any of her sons till end

how did they give birth to so many children ?

one more thing per birth the great lady has to give birth to minimum 2 children at one time to make them come alive for doing war, old age if at all she encounters can never be delivered birth

it is humanly impossible feat of women of only one giving birth to 100 children while both being blind

don't you feel that their are certain points missing in this entire story of pandavas and kauravas during the reign of lord KRISHNA

amazingly all pandavas are born because of gods, what is this , is the great sage ved vyasa a fool that not even one son has correct birth, atleast satisfaction purpose atleast one pandava to be born and can be stated as dead

but the story is written by him that all pandavas are born because of gods of varundeva, indra etc giving boon to ladies

think ?

in post drona after giving training asks pandavas a help to masaccare a army of friend who became a foe and all pandavas butcher the king with a huge force of his singlehandedly and when at war they are being fooled by kauravas, they stopped a huge army and in a war with kauravas they are unable to even kill a single drona without help of arjuna help

some key points have been missing in this story is what i came to know about

think students ?

their is no authentic biography as per my logical deduction that at time of birth of lord krishna how come the entire army of kans slept and the great father without any hassle was able to deliver the baby child of krishna and deliver it to his friend in a village and return back unscathed and kans his relative king never knows it and after knowing it could have sent a huge army to kill krishna but sends only his messenger and to certain extent few people at time of when krishna is in baby stage

isnt it funny that he knows kans that he is going to die in the hands of LORD KRISHNA

my point here is that i am not trying to belittle religeon but religeon stood its ground on certain basic foundations and by believing in these individuals by public is not unethical , it gives strength to people that i consider these two great personalities as


fighting and killing people because they ( RAMA AND KRISHNA) were humiliated would not solve the nations problem it would only infuriate human beings

these individuals have to be adored and followed in INDIA becasue they are perfect human beings in the form of story written as biography of them which may be a mistake or true but to be kept by people as example

promoted by religious people to show direction to public who are wise enough in this century and coming centuries to understand the situation and follow religious practices to gain atma balam

MORAL : these individuals are followed to gain atma balam , don't destroy them but follow them to gain strength in life







Monday, November 1, 2010




world is a small place where people live and die , some are fools others are intelligent, which category do companies entrepreneurs belong to , they run businesses to earn profits, run administration, get employment to people , but parody of the situation is it is stock exchange

Companies, entrepreneurs have to look out for if they can sustain their companies
It is so because even if company doesn’t earn profits or earns profits over a period of time continuously even then it can lose money in a single day because it is emotions that actually determine its future plus speculators in stock exchange
jagadish believes that control over stock exchange and promotion of companies through stock exchange can actually determine the future of companies that are into existence, in this world specially going concern concept has massacred a huge number of companies even though they wanted to leave the industry, it is given reason that employees would be out of jobs if company is out of industry

Some tips to existing companies

it is bravery which determines an entrepreneurship , not timid ness with lack of knowledge in business world , if in this knowledge capitalism the entrepreneur is a fool at some point of time employees are out of business with economy plummeting down to low levels creating panic so I am writing with bravery to highlight with solution to existing companies

It happened with satyam in INDIA, if not solved now would destroy company when it has grown into fortune 500 company

Corporate governance of a nation plays an important role in determining the future of governments and world in globalization world

How to attack stock exchanges in this world --- some tips by jagadish

Avoid open market operations
Control stock exchange through limited number of sales and purchases of companies per day

Separate division of foreign exchange as it is considered very volatile
Schemes for loyal stakeholders and monitored by stock exchange

Lawyers to mid cap companies and submission of day to day affairs report to be highlighted in stock exchange rooms by them whom they represent

Emergency situation in stock exchange should be handled by deleting speculators both online and physical; it is especially online where control has to take place if done to larger extent companies can be saved from stock exchange

Special people should be assigned to stakeholders of specific companies to manage affairs who are HNI (high network individuals)

HNI according to me are those who hold many shares, stocks of industries, controlling them with rules and regulations by SEBI say of INDIA can solve problems
Special schemes can be designed to cater to these individuals, companies


Jagadish thinks these HNI institutes; individuals should be assigned only to specific industries or companies and not to all industries

Commodity pricing of futures options to be sold only to companies and not to individuals

Speculators as per me is found in consultants like karvey consultants in Hyderabad INDIA where by controlling through margins you can control the rise in speculators
Some more thought process by companies, individuals is required



An important information about MIDDLE EAST

This is very amazing news for all; I hope it becomes true in coming years
the fact is few months back I wrote about a problem which is prevalent in middle east that oil, petrol reserves in middle east would stop meaning export from middle east would never happen because their would not be any supply of petrol , because of emptiness of petrol in those lands

I also wrote that Middle East is dependent upon food from other nations
the trick I realized today on Tuesday day and date I would not specify but middle east problem can be solved if this statement is a fact that

Middle East people can do vegetation on land where petrol, oil has been consumed completely

If this vegetation theory becomes correct they don’t have food problem lifelong,
It is also true that their population is also exploding along with other nations
What about other nations who depend upon Middle East, they have to look for alternative fuel technologies existing and innovating

Some can be LPG, diesel, solar, wind etc or I said something at that point of time as life long batteries innovations in automobiles


Some food for thought on intangible assets (knowledge capitalism era)

Very very interesting thought process came to me today, its funny also, want to share with you also , quite amazing something like a philosopher attitude

Assets as per my knowledge are of two types
Tangible, intangible

Tangible assets can be measured easily, but tussle goes on to lengthy discussions when it comes to intangible assets calculations

Knowledge capitalism to certain extent can be associated with intangible asset and if I am correct is used by countries as part of export business

This is where problems can erupt if it is done

What happens, suddenly countries once start exporting intangible asset, measuring them on international scale becomes dangerous business


china with huge population or INDIA with huge population if start masaccaring people with knowledge on international scale and to certain extent entire population does business on books and starts giving results , business of USA would plummet down to low levels

Your rupee value, dollar value, euro and others would come to instability level if done two ways

I think USA dollar survive because other countries don’t participate stating to each other it is USA, UK den of knowledge capitalism as of now




Monday, October 18, 2010


Strategic Management

Definition :
Strategic management actually talks about implementation of thoughts that generate in the minds of employees and how they can cater to the public with least cost and giving customers huge bonanza enjoying profits in the long run by the creator of ideas (company).

Q1) how can ideas be generated for top management to function ?

Ans) ideas can be generated by every one and are generated by all but the company to survive require ideas and ideas are always few to start out with . employees have ideas but their should be proper channel to let out ideas of employees to board members.

in this case what should company do ?

create a team which job is only to collect ideas from different sources and highlight it in common platform of ERP in a room where ideas are highlighted
any person who can comment on the idea and upgrade it be given gift vouchers etc. to promote the employees

employees be allowed to create teams whose job is to discuss on current trends, that way opinion leaders can be created
the assigned team comes to employees team and talks to them every week on the ideas to see what it can share with the board of directors, one can even feel the pulse of the employees through this medium of communication
those who feel responsible towards company would automatically create this type of team with multiple benefits enjoyed

think about what other benefits can be assigned to the team that is generating ideas ?

Q2) who should implement strategy designed by the board of directors ?

Ans) thought to people who makes strategic decision in your company ---implementation . I believe in CIO (customer information officers) to deliver it through teams

It is because information gatherers can work in crisis as they have information under their belt who need not consult top management every now and then

Q3) what can one say about demand creation which is current affairs of many companies ?

Definition : demand creation is defined as creating need in people to purchase their product or brand by creating
awareness in them

as I was going through iTunes information interview was going on as to how to create demand and let people know what they can purchase from existing markets in their geographical locations

it is always a fact known to everyone that advertising has been stopped by most companies,

when I was in management school way back in 2003 their itself my dean organized a meet stating that advertising has come to dead end in all developed nations, it would soon happen to INDIA very soon

now question arises as to how to create need in people when money is a problem ?
I stated previously that pull strategy is far better than push strategy, can it be applied to demand creation or not ?

I am reinstating my statement which I said previously that by collaboration with internet websites one can create the need by sharing the sales with website owner by selling products online ,

now question arises as to how can internet website owners know whom to give ads in their limited sales space ?

solution :

famous terminology I associate every time is consistent performance of product over 6 months previous plus vision and mission of the product being highlighted by the company to which it is associated with

any other solution :

demand creation or creating need in people is short run prospective where telemarketing is used to larger extent which is small budget but takes away office space , in that place create internet based servers to track down sales of pull strategy to create sales for consumers who are interested in your product and increase the geographical boundary slow by slow

even guerilla strategy would not be advised by me but through collaboration this can be achieved much more smoothly

I am not an advocate of guerilla strategy--- it is short run prospective and those people who use this strategy are considered by me as part timers of companies not mid cap creators

mid cap creators usually have to look for collaboration within and outside their geographical areas

think about how can servers set up under ERP calculations can create money for company ? is it short run or long run prospective or not ?

according to me it is long run prospective because semi automation servers can be used for other purposes also like storage of data and analysis purpose and creates employment in the long run once storage is huge and requires critical judgment of data stored in it

sales ERP to certain extent can solve this problem as to doing sales for money is the motto

finance budgeting control -- this is linked up with sales that’s why
think before implementing this . I have told this on the basis of commonsense !!!

Q4) localized sales and community ---- pros and cons ?

I was referring again apple iTunes in one of the episodes discussion was going on as to if sales are localized to specific zone or community what are its affects on people, should it be done

their was discussion even on collaboration in retail outlets with outsiders
price stability and rise of prices can hamper progress and public choice of community would create stumbling block to countries all round progress making one community the preferred destination and others would be sidelined

this must be the problem of all developed nations who have designed maybe on the line of suburban where group of families come and settle themselves down with the community and do business restricted to that community needs
in one line I would state

concentration of power in hands of few is in advisable

my point is outside forces of competition is considered to be healthy for growth of country as well as community

Q5) Right sizing debate

in this world people are many and companies are few but there is requirement of people in other areas also . now question arises are their people in industry segment who actually are more than required and are their people in industry segment which are few in number than required

question arises as to what should companies do in such cases where salaries are being paid to people who are not working or say they have less work.

Right sizing is the solution

Definition :

using optimum people to get optimum result by placing people in right jobs
example : if there is requirement of 20 people in a job assign 15 people to do the job and see whether efficiency and quality work can be got or not if there is problem then increase the employees to get result

now during recession and post recession there is huge amount of unemployment , what to do with this, go for entrepreneurship to develop mid caps (future employment)

Right sizing advantages

optimum work
efficiency in work
knowledge gathering -- companies can depend upon employees who are assigned correctly in company job profile
companies can know that employees are being used for getting right output
Reengineering can be taken up also along with right sizing

Q6) constituency development debate (LOK SABHA) INDIA

every member in lok sabha is answerable to public but problems are many specially infrastructure is current issue of the nation. how to develop the constituency is desire of many lok sabha politicians . these constituencies as per my knowledge is assigned either by the parties or by election commissioner in discussion with others
how to develop constituencies


jagadish says first thing the lok sabha parties have to come with independent committee which looks at the constituency development won by them
once the constituency and its winner lok sabha member is known party funding to be allocated to him but to be kept by the party committee.

two or three party workers under the party say BJP to be assigned to each winner of lok sabha and through them a 3 to 6 months TOC or SWOT in simple language to be done
after the TOC (theory of constraints ) or SWOT the party member representative should sit with the party workers and design a strategy as to how he is going to develop the constituency and to submit a report to the committee of party to see development in his region

based upon finance requirement through batches under his allotted money to be released to the member . after work is completed the member has to submit a report of development of constituency to get further release of finance

the party member has to compulsorily visit the constituency at least quarterly in a year to see whether the proper report which he has submitted to the committee of party to which he belongs is authentic or not and to take responsibility for negligence of the report

if proper transportation is not available to the member to visit the constituency the report should be submitted and specified as to requirements of his need to the committee to take proper action

groups of these members (LOK SABHA) within a state also should be formed to look at state development and reports submitted to the committee of parties should be also submitted to the state government so that in unison problem can be solved
solutions are required under intellectual capitalism era.
this solution stated can be implemented in other countries also if seen in proper highlight

Q7) unemployment problem debate

there is huge unemployment in all countries recently after post recession even though inflation has come to normalcy in most countries . this type is seen even now specially in USA
how to solve unemployment problem across the globe in shorter span of time

solution :

vocational training of investment in job plus placement can be the easiest solution to get money for the family

this vocational training is available in any stream of industry and duration as per my knowledge is not more than 6 months . check it out in your country

small investment of money but huge returns of job satisfaction with salary for family in times of bad times . once learnt stays in mind and can be implemented knowledge of vocational when money is tight in family

Q8) Higher Education (MBA) debate

Ans) it is seen by me since a long time specially when my brothers wife went to MBA premier education in INDIA they educational institute asked her to do apprenticeship after one year for a period of 6 months I said it is a pitiable position of nation

why ?

according to me education of say MBA knowledge can never be shared with others and cant be have within one year . it is a vast field where synopsis of every field is imparted within one year and students are said to take apprenticeship practical within one year .

students actually got the information not in MBA college but actually in corporate office

according to me MBA education should be for a period of 3 years with 2 years imparting of self knowledge of a student to be tested in 3 rd. year by company for apprenticeship position

survival of fittest with self knowledge , that should be the driving force of nation or nations if they want to impart to students quality education of higher education
does nation possess this type of education system, lets see in coming days, would students agree , would management agree in knowledge capitalism society

this type of method should never be imparted to primary and secondary education but is applicable only in higher education and PhD level to larger extent

Q9) web 4.0 and above debate

over a period of years I have been observing that developed nations like usa and others are venturing into IT territory with advancement of web with web4.0 and still above . even Microsoft launched very recently with web 2.0 and 3.0

I have a different opinion about this it is that over a period of time with advancement of web being enjoyed by usa and other nations countries like INDIA , china would ask for it .

I cant comment anything about china because of lack of awareness and knowledge about it but when it comes to INDIA I can comment that prices have slashed down drastically over a period of years of internet (625 Rs unlimited package)

I know government wing is doing its best over a period of years to bring down the cost of IT plus telecom industry but with this advancement happening in developed nations would prices be brought be reduced or would with implementation of new web would prices in INDIA would increase that is the concern I have about country

recently I wrote about implementation of 3G in mobiles implemented under auction by INDIA, this might lead to implementation of further coming up of web 4.0 into INDIA, I know that public of INDIA likes advancement in technology which Is also my happiness

the point is if INDIA wants to further progress in technology advancement of web and implementation and in other IT department new things of both security and advancement of technology , the prices which have been slashed should remain constant and should never be brought down further as it might hamper the progress of implementation of technology which is birthright of every Indian to enjoy

solution is

no slashes in price leads to implementation of new things if you bring the prices down further increase in cost would hamper progress and huge debate in parliament as to how come increase in prices should be done after hard effort has been put to bring down costs in IT.



Wednesday, September 29, 2010





1) how to solve Haiti problem as thought by me

it is very sad to note that Haiti and recently INDIA went through nature problem and many other nations also go through every now and then

it is a recurring problem of the world

me jagadish thought of way to help the united nations or government wings of nations to come together through a plan to solve this recurring problem

whenever this type of nature problem occurs

food and water becomes a major hurdle for those who are affected by problem of not only earthquakes but also wild fires as observed in Russia recently

token system has to be introduced by government in the affected zone with the help of army the affected areas must be well guarded and token to be given properly to the people one by one in a queue in a building set up of floors

the ones who are given a token system must be asked to collect their food and water from a place say a 1km radius of walk from the token counter

the food should be mechanised into a booth system where inserting a token food is given in a satchet, the problem with this type may be breakage of machine to get more food and water

security becomes a mandatory during this type of nature affects, this was one type i thought about

think on something more than this who are reading this solution of mine ?

A) lack of funds availability to government

once if a specific government doesn’t have funds with it to solve disasters which have occurred in its country what can be the steps to be taken up by the country

a) Internet marketing by specifying the issues concerning the government with the help of united nations--- public donations (sharing it with the website owner)

b) printing press on backside of books which are popular asking for donations

sharing money

think on other ideas ?

B) lack of infrastructure in country

when disasters come in a country which doesnt have infrastructure facility what should the government do ,

infrastructure problem can be anything major being adherence to standards to make operation of problem a success

to solve these problems what should one do

air force , army support solving it in air or airports (hanger-place where planes are kept)

now problem arises as to number of population to cater with --- decided on emergency situation

ships can be used commercial , moving people through helicopters and using ships to solve till proper accommodation is provided

think ?

C) water disaster and how to manage it when it occurs

when disaster occurs as was seen in china where 1000 people died because of sea tides , it usually occurs mostly because of huge tidal waves destroying dams which protect the people from getting wiped out

what to do once dams are suddenly destroyed and leave the people homeless


usually it is solved through man holes being constructed if you create a lengthy construction of earthquake type of hole in-front of dams and open it if dams are about to be destroyed because of pressure of water

one can minimize the damage

about 1km distance from dam water compartment hole to minimize the affect , something like this

not so 100% effective answer but a little bit try on something offbeat

think or upgrade the solution ?


2) managing talent in an organization

as i was reading the article in knowledge at Wharton school today their came a burning issue which was being discussed in it stating that whenever their is competition between a few top management employees for a post say of CEO, CMO, CFO etc . after the selection of the post the ones not selected but were in race left the organization

how to stop this from happening :

it is not money they tussle jagadish thinks they left because they felt humiliated for not getting selected even after delivering to the organization for such a lengthy period and the one who got the post is not as competent as one who deserves it

solution :

put the candidates being selected for the post in board of directors meeting only few and rotate them every now and then for different posts of company. in this way you don't let talent get wasted in your organization nor top talent leaves the organization

i specified this in my corporate governance literature


3) providing knowledge to rural children

I am reading the knowledge@wharton interview with NIIT employee

their came a topic of how to provide education to children who don't have money but want to learn

jagadish me came to a decision that as small children are taught through words being spoken through tongue in their starting days (recitation of child repeatedly)

the problem of illiteracy can be solved (if taken help from Microsoft if possible or any company which wants to venture in it)

if this method is employed by companies by first

making computer talk and then the child does recitation of the statement taught to him/her

making him remember the knowledge children can be taught education , but has to be employed through computers because human element in the form of teachers should have lots of patience
to teach ,

computer makes a statement and teaches letter/words , the child reciprocates to it

technology coming to the rescue of children who want to be literate

what are other ways technology can help the rural sector or to illiterate people living in slums ?

think ?


4) lack of drinking water problem and its solution

i have been pondering over this problem of the world since childhood , Andhra pradesh to solve off water problem came up with rain harvesting to save water

i have come up with a different answer, lets see whether it can solve the drinking water problem of human beings

use boilers near ocean and transport them to all over the country

boilers because ocean is contaminated with germs so if you use boilers you kill germs and water is boiled at 100 degrees so it is fit to drink, little bit of sweetener is added to it to drink

hope the problem can be solved

fingers crossed ?


how to mobilise investments in rural sector where infrastructure is a problem

start out with insurance sector (general +life) and ask rural people to promote it for each other and then promote it to other areas say relatives , gradual but very effective

once this is done automatically investment pooling of insurance can be used for infrastructure
meaning insurance which includes life insurance is being pooled up for infrastructure development and once it is pooled up would be used for that village development

insurance for infrastructure purpose (general+life coverage)

think on what type of insurance design can make rural sector come to life within 1 year ?


Role of society in removing poverty

it is always said by people that job of removing poverty is always the role of government or companies specially private companies are being considered to remove poverty . I call it junkyard

according to me in this knowledge based economy it is the role of every individual to remove poverty by

1) sharing information between people on Internet
2) giving advise and showing direction by writing blogs on topics discussed frequently by society
3) sharing of finance between institutions and wings of society in alleviating poverty

poverty is not seen in people . it is born out of ignorance to share information. the one who ridicules poverty in the end ends in poverty because what he thought as not his area of operation happened to be his own backyard of poverty

for example in the spider man story it was said that if hero had nabbed the robber his own father wouldn't have died because the one whom he left the robber actually kills his father in the film

it is societies responsibility to see that neither they nor others fall prey to poverty because poverty in infectious


company set up

companies across the globe (countries) must be set up in such a manner that companies require manpower and knowledge capitalism . basing upon this feature companies should be allotted real estate based upon knowledge capitalism of states in that country.

the state which can handle knowledge and share ideas with company employees through students and teachers should be first made to blossom out in the country

if this is being taken care off by the central government , the other states which were lagging behind can learn from the experience and try to emulate it into their states thus developing the country holistically

knowledge is power in 21st century------EDUCATION


Telecommunication (3G)

recently government of India auctioned latest asset for mobiles displaying videos in mobile service . few of the companies might have been forced to go for this service for the fact that they were considered to be the leaders in this market . but suddenly may have realised that people in India might not use them as public uses it in developed nations

what to do in this case

going for group packages and getting discounts and promoting selected websites can solve this problem to certain extent

what should be the group package look like

company employees in strategic department using it for news channel

now for those who don't use it which according to me should be maximum for them how would you promote 3G mobile

you cant promote it to them at any case so to get back the money invested in 3g how would company promote it to the masses

Airtel for example can make incoming calls free and get back the money by promoting it in Internet

i suddenly realised that in Internet mobiles usage to be promoted and highlighted and packages to be sold in internet

meaning promotional campaign to be done in Internet and those who use Internet packages of top ups to be given additional talk time

get back the money by promoting the schemes and ask public to use credit cards to get topups and special packages by logging in into Internet



if your product is damn good company can actually sell the product at lesser than cost price and still earn revenue by promotional campaigns promoting other products of other companies through ads in Internet website of its own

think on other issues ?



This is out of inquisitiveness i am writing this , if at all government of INDIA has a problem in grooming up individuals in lok sabha at some point of time

you can groom up individuals by asking the future ministers at any position to answer questions posed by opposition during question hour and ask the representative to answer them one after the other without highlighting the candidate as minister

this type of logic can be applied to any country

example : questions 40 to 45 questions posed by opposition answered by shyam

here you don't highlight shyam as minister but are grooming up for future as minister to get used to lok sabha questioning hour, in case of failure the real minister answers it .



In 21st century what does jagadish thinks about marketing concept

I believe in never do marketing of products , design teams but ask clients to chose the team if it is IT industry you are safe from tension

money is one aspect companies tussle out , i don't believe in that concept of money because product if it is good sells on its own

pull strategy is better than push strategy in 21st century---- take any industry segment

pull strategy means customers coming to you to purchase your product on their own

push strategy actually is to sell or force consumers to purchase from them (companies) with or without their permission. marketing executives using different strategies to ask marketing teams to promote the product to consumers either directly or indirectly

company should not be money minded but must be product minded concept

product minded concept is to believe that product if purchased solves consumer problem. companies need not do promote it




Wednesday, August 4, 2010




corporate governance is making a huge wave across the nations and sweeping it across companies both nationally and internationally

amazing literature has been produced recently by all companies so i thought of contributing it also in this field through my experience and knowledge on this subject

best of luck to myself on this commonsense subject of corporate governance

so the story begins as to what is corporate governance. big big giants have written on corporate governance but i am not going to touch on what they think. I am going present to you what i think on this subject of corporate governance which is not copied from any source or data it is purely original thoughts of jagadish on a widely debated and likable subject of 21st century

Reference done by owner,ceo, board of directors or co owner

In corporate governance if at all their has been a reference done by owner, ceo or board of directors under recruitment division it is the responsibility of board of directors to do the interview together and given a post as selected by board of members on mutual agreement or rejection of the candidate. the one who has done the reference cannot participate in the selection of the candidate referred by him

change of ownership

ownership of company is always owner run by board of directors with ceo who is also part of board of directors list
if their arises a situation of change of ownership due to multiple reasons . this change of ownership can be decided either by owner or stakeholders or board of directors

when this situation arises change of ownership has to happen within 48 hours or if it cant be done owner has to own it till proper owner is selected. this selection proposal has to be put forward by owner and to be debated upon by board of directors as for his competence to run the administration set by owner

question now arises whether board of directors can select owner from themselves or chosen by them which are not part of owner choice. this choice cant be taken by board of directors because board of directors are actually managers managing the organization set up by owner so board of directors can direct owner to chose others if the list chosen by owner are incompetent

in case the owner dies suddenly the owner automatically is chosen as per his will so it is the owner who has to tell well in advance to board of directors as to whom he has chosen that is why co owner has to be their along with owner to run the administration approved by board of directors

incase both die together will comes into picture if that scenario is not available as to non existence of will automatically heir is chosen by government with board of directors approval

corporate governance of different countries can be different as designed by the government and monitored by government as to its implementation part


owner owns the company and board of directors run it for him . now question arises as to what is duty of an owner. an owner need not preside the board meeting but should be intimated every now and then as to the decisions taken by board through ceo . ceo should assign a CIO to owner and cio should work along with owner to do analysis of both company and industry. in times of emergency situation in company owner can be called upon by board of directors to see the decision taken and give his approval

if owner is not satisfied with board of members decisions after talking to ceo , he can issue a meeting of board of members and intimate them as to his objection regarding decision taken in the board of directors meeting and put up his proposal . but this board meeting should be done only after discussing with co owner

the board of directors have to take into consideration his proposal and pass it again in the board of directors meeting with owner presiding it . now whatever decision taken by board should be acceptable to owner . if owner feels that his point has been taken but deaccepted and he feels that necessary action regarding the company he owns hasnt been accepted owner can ask the highest justice to come and clarify the decision taken by board.


COowner is as powerful as owner and he also has to have his own CIO under his belt and both CIOs of owner and co owner has to have the same information and both should be in touch with each other . the responsibility of owner and co owner is same and both have to be present in times of emergency situation. it is mandatory because 2 brains are better than one brain

now question arises as to approval of decision made by board of directors . if co owner is not happy with the decision taken by board but owner is happy with the decision taken, co owner first has to report to owner and take his advice then issue a board of meeting and put up his case to be passed upon


other than owners money board of directors can use the companies money for expansion of company plan. but this expansion plan has to get the approval from board of directors with stakeholders being intimated upon. stakeholders can file a complaint against company if approval is for unjust reasons. owner is not responsible for day to day activities of board of directors but would be present if emergency situation arises. as to removal of board of director or directors it is board with owner , co owner would be taken in unison.

the removal person of board member has to put up his presentation infront of company board of directors where ceo is also part of board member and his role is also important for functioning of the company or companies

ceo removal is just like any board of director removal . if entire board of directors to be removed because of proposal petition filed by the stakeholders or owner because of mismanagement or for any reason, it cant be done minimum 5 board members have to be present at any given point of time with government representative being present if company is a substantial company contributing for the stakeholders

how much money can board of directors remove from the company . 1/3rd of profit earned for operations,2/3rd of profit to be kept aside. in case of loss board of directors have to intimate to ceo, cfo, coo, cmo for removal of money

owner, co owner arent responsible for money management issues taken up by board directors, but should be intimated if money is thought by board to be huge . stakeholders meeting is mandatory in the case of huge money allotment if majority of board members think it is so . stock exchange would be affected.

owners money should never be touched without their approval . now question arises as to what owners money is being talked about. money which owner owns while owning company share.owners money should never be asked to be liquidated when liquidation of company comes into picture because owners money is not companies money . owners and co owners together money share is maximum 5% of total company share is what jagadish thinks about because owner/co owner is not running the company administration on day to day lines.

owner/co-owner can use the 5% of money for personal use but should never purchase shares of company with that. once money spent is spent , decrease of percentage of share in their company can happen but increase in percentage or buy back of shares can never take place.

owner has to be careful in spending money of 5 %. owner owns 3% and co owner owns 2% without further purchase of shares at any given point of time . passing it on to future owners , future owners also cannot purchase shares of their company but can purchase shares of other companies under their personal account.which is also applicable to owner and co owner

once liquidated stands liquidated.

money used by owner for development of company of his stands used , he cannot earn money through that investment of money. it is given to company.

united nations is what countries should be answerable in coming centuries

creditors most important in stakeholders--- the more they are debate begins


board of directors manage the show of owner and are always under tension hence board of members can allot their own timings with mutual agreement and in a year sanction leave . only 5 members minimum have to be present at any given point of time and maximum 30. why 30 because 30 days in a month. think

board members have to have their own CIO under their belt to get news for themselves so as to have awareness about society

board of members should be rotational with taking up different posts of top management every now and then to know the developments specially in research wing of both science and management. sometimes owner makes mistakes in decision making so a unison decision of board members can override the decision taken up by owner and co owner.

if owner co owner asks for explanation a detailed report has to be sent on the spot within 48 hours regarding why that decision was taken and handed it to mail of CIO assigned to the owner through ceo with authentic signatures of 5 board members minimum biometrics . if 48 hours is not sufficient a mini statement is sufficient to be sent to CIO till a detailed report is generated

board of directors recruitment happens with ceo, cmo, cfo, coo getting a chance to become board of directors,

retirement age should be 55 as psychology of 21st century states that after 55 men, women become children or act like children

board of directors can remove any employee but it has to be incompetence and under ethics to discharge duty but minimum 3 board members should be intimated and get approval because employee has employee union who takes care of employee negligence hence if 3 minimum board members approve it can be done . if needed fine tune it.

surprise checks are mandatory to look at peak performance of employees.

owner and co owner have a right to remove only board of directors that too with other board of members approval. they cant remove employees, but negligent behavior etc can be intimated to ceo who looks into the affair and gives his report to owner co owner

if owner and co owner start removing employees board of directors cant work properly and get into friction with employee unions but with 3 board of directors approval employee can be removed by board of director with ceo approval if required.


government role as per corporate governance is through governing body of this corporate governance. they can come only through this route if emergency situation is created within a company which is contributing for the welfare of stakeholders

Government cant take percentages in shares of companies in order to exercise corporate governance if it does company would be called as a public government ruled by government

Government can be invited for discussion if board of directors with owner, co owner make a decision together with stakeholders approval that government role would benefit the company or companies managed by board of directors

ownership purchases :

owner of a company can purchase land, building etc for the company but in real practice he has to get approval from board of directors whether board is in a position to handle the purchase , owner has the capability to purchase but board of directors must be capable to manage them and discard the purchase if they cant manage

owner and co owner must intimate of purchase to board of directors if they are doing it on behalf of company. stakeholders approval is not needed on this account as it is owner co owner who have thought of expanding the company. the company should and is not liable to pay money to owner for this type ol service done by owner co owner unless it has approval from stakeholders.

For every important decision taken by board of directors a stamp paper has to be submitted to justice department approved by the representative of justice and neatly documented in the files maintained by company secretary which should be a ready reference guide to board of directors

online documentation also should be their maintained by company secretary to board of directors with CIO head also approving it of its existence

intimation to company owner by outgoing company owner

intimation to coming company owner by outgoing owner must be in accordance with law prevailing in the country to which the present owner where transaction is occuring has to be done. it has to be in stamp paper intimating with balancesheet and profit and loss duly signed by outgoing owner checked up by the government and board of directors if the company is a substantial company.

no pending cases should be their in the name of outgoing owner , till it is cleared transfer of owner cant be done even under difficult situations.

answerable to stakeholders

outgoing owner should intimate to the stakeholders with press meeting during financial year closing time only and proper documents have to be shifted to present coming owner . stakeholders must be satisfied as to the acceptance of the new owner. once it is accepted by stakeholders transfer becomes easy , if not accepted by the stakeholders proper legal notice should be submitted and approved by the court of justice with due notice given to stakeholders as to why transfer is happening and future plans to be submitted by the new owner with board of directors giving assurance to stakeholders

meeting :

board members meeting has to be conducted every quarterly at the release of quarterly statements submitted to stakeholders every financial year, notification to owner has to be their with proper written statement to be submitted to CIO assigned to owner, CIO can act as proxy in meetings on behalf of owner but on special occassions if board of directors feel that presence of owner , co owner is required they have to be present to see that conduct of meeting takes place

consultants and their removal by board of directors---- owner

proxy owner and his rights :

CIO usually acts as proxy to owner but CIO doesnt have voting rights but has only one duty to intimate the meetings conducted by the board of members to owner, co-owner , minutes of company secretary can be taken up by CIO on behalf of owner and submit it to owner on their asking

implicit explicit rules and its effect on corporate governance :

in any corporate governance their is a provision of explicit implicit rules but arent mandatory rules to follow unless laid down as mandatory by the government to which corporate governance is associated with . commonsense used by the board of directors can be judged with proper legal documents used during meetings and documented with proper authentication done with courts.


going concern concept and corporate governance :

companies are said to be going concern concept but according to me it is called butchering the company into malpractice . commonsense teaches that if board of directors with the help of stakeholders and justice decide together they can voluntarily close off the company instead of retaining the company just like that

corporate governance would come into picture only when board of directors are making decisions

corporate governance is important not ideas. ideas can be generated at any given point of time but no coporate governance is destruction of the company

merger of companies is important and not acquisition in 21st century--- lack of knowledge :

in 21st century it is mergers that give results to companies as knowledge is power and knowledgable people working as board of directors give a better picture to the stakeholders .if during acquisition board of directors are removed knowledge is also lost with passage of time which was available to the person who was removed . it is better to increase the board of directors and share information than removal during acquisition. merger is better

but on certain occassions if it is felt that board of members are becoming too excess, board of directors partially can be removed on the basis of those who participate in sharing knowledge and creation of knowledge. ideas are more important to germinate that number of board of directors.

those who participate and share knowledge they stay others are removed

co- owner

co owner is as powerful as owner in making decisions but in history to be effective their should not be more than two owners for any industry segment company across handling why ?

co owner is powerful than board of directors and to remove co owner owner permission and decision approval is very crucial for board of directors

incompetent owner or owners

the question is in decision making it is first owner and then co owner is asked but in corporate governance it is decision of both equally is powerful and to be approved by board of directors on equal terms

board of directors can overwrite the decision of owner or co owner but a supreme court judge has to be stated with board of directors to approve that decision taken by the board of directors overriding of owners decision is legitimate for the benefit of stakeholders if questioned by the owner or co owners

while change of ownership it is the owner has to pay off the debts to creditors before handing over the ownership to new owner and if the debt goes to selling off of plant and machinery it has to be done by the owner--- clean slate to new owner ownership with supreme court judge approval is mandatory

selling off of machinery should be done in accordance with board of directors and board of directors are answerable to the new owner as to decision making taken with owner as to the selling off of machinery --- profit selling plants should be sold last if their is no other option , new owner cant spend the money on the illogical decision taken up by the owner because the new owner does not have the information about how the business is being run , it takes minimum 1 to 2 years to know the operations side of the company taken up by the new owner

it is responsibility of board of directors to see that ethically it was handed to the new owner because it is board of directors who would be under line of fire if management doesnt happen properly in near future and board of directors cannot leave the board without getting their assent and approval from the new owner and government has a say in the matter too if company is a substantial company contributing to the welfare of the country

government with judges have to see that board of directors with owner took the right decision without mishandling the company

if the new owner is not satisfied with the decision taken by the owner and still approved by the board of directors new owner can sell it back to the owner stating of mismanagement within a limited period of time which would be decided by the judge with government approval as he was not part of the decisions taken by the owner

now question arises as to period of time to be taken up by the owner decision to be considered mismanagement -- it is 6 months backward from the period of sale to the new owner

why 6 months because product life cycle of anything into existence is 6 months

board of directors relationship with owner

Role of ceo : he is just like of board of directors

the best decision to run ceo with board of directors as per jagadish is to have rotational based type of ceo where each board of director is given an opportunity to become ceo and the one who became ceo is reinstated into board of directors wing after his completion period of fixed tenure decided by the board of directors

foreign company also should follow the same corporate governance as decided by the national government and shouldnt introduce corporate governance of its own nation into foreign soil

exporting of goods and importing of goods by any company be it national or foreign company should be done in accordance with government . if their is difference of opinion it should be settled off with the highest court of country it is being operated upon where export import is being done

if government of country want to do export import business with the help of government companies or has set up exclusively to do this type of business and is known to national companies , national companies can put up a petition infront of highest court in the country and see to it that within 24 hours maximum 48 hours decision is decided upon

removal of owner can also be done by the board of directors but can be debated upon by the owner with the help of highest court of justice whether removal was ethical or non ethical , till a new owner is settled upon upon removal of owner board of directors can govern the company but decisions regarding company has to be intimated to new owner and new owner has to be in power within 48 hours , if it is not done government should be intimated upon decisions taken up by the company board of directors if company is a substantial contributor to stakeholders and consumers in that country

centre and state government relationship under corporate governance

centre can override the decisions made by state government if centre feels that security of state is at stake with decision taken. under normal situations also state government has to give monthly reports to central government board assigned by prime minister as to activities being carried out by companies in their jurisdiction

this is needed because centre in times of emergency situation can take proper decisions along with state government
regarding administration of state. stakeholders can issue a notice to state government that they are interested in centre interference regarding corporate governance of company or companies which they feel are doing unauthorized workload at any given point of time.

if state government feels that centre or central board assigned by prime minister is taking them for a ride and not giving proper direction as fast as they require then state government can ask for change of board which is assigned by prime minister. but this change of board of directors assigned by prime minister can be changed only if other minimum 3 governments put up a petition infront of supreme court say of INDIA asking for the change.

the board of directors assigned by the prime minister actually must be related to corporate bodies members

example : board of directors of big companies whose duty is to look into the management holistically regarding company and industry growth of companies stationed in states.

Based upon the monthly reports and future reports designed by state government money finance would be provided by the board . if board is found to be unethical in its operations change of board would happen within 72 hours .

this unethical activities of board can be petitioned by the state governments minimum 3 states to the supreme justice and if proven supreme justice should talk to prime minister and proper course of action would be taken against the board or board of member/members.

ARMY , NAVY , AIR FORCE chiefs can be invited into these boards if they are interested in nations welfare. VOLUNTARY BASIS

how the board has to function assigned by prime minister

the board actually is independent with no relationship with companies. daily weekly reports and monthly reports study is what the board has been assigned regarding state developments. at any given point of time the board can ask the state chief minister to generate a report which has to be submitted to the board within one month from the date of asking.

failure of doing so finance of state can be affected. without reports board cant assign finance

board is duty bound to prepare reports of their own and reports of state which are vital or information is vital would be submitted to planning commission chief prime minister and deputy planning commission to prepare annual plans and 5 year plans.

board can assign for themselves man power to see implementation of plans done in state governments.

paradox of the whole world of corporate governance ---- funny side


story of a manhood

a person is illionaire , why dont you donate in trillionaire
a person is trillionaire, why dont you donate in billionaire
a person is billionaire , why dont you donate in crores
a person is crore person, why dont you donate in lakhs
a person is a lakhier , why dont you donate in thousands
a person is a thousandier , why dont you donate in rupees
a person is a rupees owner people say you are a pauper

story of a career personality

a person works hard becomes an executive after education
people say only executive so he becomes a manager
people say only manager so he becomes a managing director of a company
people say only managing director so he becomes a board director of company
people say only board of director of a single company so he becomes a board of director of companies
people say only board of director of comapnies so he becomes a finance minister of a country
people say only finance minister when are you becoming prime minister so he becomes a prime minister
people say only prime minister of a country when are you becoming president of usa so he becomes president of USA
People say when are doing renunciation and becoming a pope. he is better than president of usa so he becomes a pope of the whole world
people then say when are you dying , die soon their are people waiting in queue to become a pope

paradox of the whole mankind ,

moral of the story is that their is no peace looking outside their is peace within if looked inside , self satisfaction is such a thing that a pauper is as powerful as pope of the world

but in life their is something called knowledge which saves a person from devastation and with application of knowledge one can recoup back to power also from poverty.

it is not knowledge it is application of knowledge with asking right questions determines the fate of manhood


Wednesday, July 7, 2010




coordination of people is very important as it teaches people how to be effective while doing supervision over people in an informal or formal based upon their career anchors. career anchors teaches a company how to recruit effectively in a given scenario. some who which in their life on security take up government jobs, those people who are good at risk take up big projects of entrepreneurship etc etc. career anchors is the basis on which recruitment in a company should take place to get as per organization culture
coordination in a team has its own advantages as it teaches the organization employees how to work effectively given the limited resources, employees have egos, how to effectively counter attack this egos is now the question, what can be the solution , recruitment if done on the basis of career anchors (personality traits of individuals) can be effectively be designed as per companies requirement and culture. right sizing (placing right candidate in the right job) is the call of the organization now a days

effective organizations require effective people at effective positions where career anchors would give the human resource something to think about. how to know whether you are recruiting the right candidate for the right position. the biggest disadvantage human resource executives is lack of knowledge about career anchors , training first of human resource people would teach the company in recruitment process. HR executives have to be on their toes if they want to survive in 21st century with enough knowledge about recruitment process. the simple solution would be to segregate the work by recruiting specialized areas under specialized HR executives

example : HR specialists in marketing recruiting only Marketing executives, HR specialist in IT recruiting only IT specialists etc etc

what are its implications, any advancement knowledge which happens in their respective specialised areas the HR automatically knows it or has to know to survive in organization to which they work and recruit right people in right areas with right knowledge. this knowledge can happen if HR executive specialize themselves in it .

management recruitment by companies have to recruit in dual specailization areas such as HR with IT, HR with MARKETING this is the order of the day in present scenario

other than career anchors is their any other way to know how recruitment can take place in the organization their is other way cross breeding of people being given multi tasks specially from strategy wing, this type of recruitment happens usually from marketing to Human resource or from IT to human resource based upon the knowledge gained by the employee of the firm, their are situations where employees go for higher education specially seen in BPO sector where management education is taken up by the employee after getting selected in BPO with graduation as main education

how does coordination happen effectively in the organization or how it has to be , it is usually seen that teams are being assigned tasks with team leader playing an important role in effectively delegating tasks to the team members and does monitoring and take up leadership position in the 21st century, is it effective is the question?

teams usually fail when team leader is absent or are clueless when team leader is absent , other teams can be called upon or its leader but doesnt understand the nuances on the spot and takes time to understand as to what was the team working upon , in critical chain i came across commandoes who know the knowledge as to what the team was working upon multiple team handling is what the commandoes task was , how effective it can be can be known only when implemented specially in a team which is small and has multiple team working on multiple projects
but this commandoes would fail where team strength is say 15 to 20 , as knowledge of the work is widespread and assignment by each of the team member is known to each other, commandoes are effective only in small batches of teams, think ?

delegation of work is also crucial in coordination of work where the team leader has to be smart enough to know what work to delegate and which work not to delegate in the sharing of information. how to make team leaders effective in delegation , it is to know whether from which background the person working in the team has come from , that means in simple language what his strengths are

example :

candidate from middle class family earning salary of father in range of 25000 per month is suitable in the field of finance as budgeting of company can be easily be done by him as he always looks at financial security

candidate with a background of father working in information technology is suitable in the post of research as the candidate always looks at experimentation

study the family background by generating database by the company with the help of HR executives. ask the executives they themselves would give you their strengths if the HR executives are intelligent in analysis of database

in todays generation just to get money in huge quantity students are jumping to IT segment even with lesser knowledge about it but to be frank even in this IT segment candidates chose which they feel comfortable to work within IT segment , they have to survive and work and not to be removed by employer

personality trait plays a major role in choosing up a job and not money when looked at long term perspective of survival in job market

if a company organizes work it has to be done on specialization of the person, meaning a person has to be given task which he is good at and not to change the designation for a few years and give him empowerment to understand the role for which the task was assigned to the person

example : in government organization finance minister should be the finance minister for the country without changing him every year and if one wants to assign tasks the work load should be shared evenly with juniors without changing the person authority unless he becomes insane to work or dies .

pranab mukherjee of INDIA to be finance minister for complete 5 years with juniors taking tasks to learn finance of the country

specialists are needed by the organization with generalist working in the background to give a helping hand

think ?

hierarchy of authority in 21st century is now a days horizontal reporting instead of vertical reporting but now question arises which one to apply and when and under what conditions each one is to be selected. people have the wrong notion now a days that vertical reporting will never give you results whereas vertical reporting also has its advantages in 21st century
lets see how. vertical reporting is applicable where solution to the given problem is delegated with time frame being given under each vertical reporting head. this can help the organization as to which reporting head is dormant and which is active in solving the organization problem . thinking on this tells that vertical reporting the team can be pinpointed and can be revamped if source is known and this type of source finding of lackluster behavior can be easily found out in vertical reporting

horizontal reporting makes the work of CEO much more difficult and diversified and concentration of important work has to be taken up by ceo and board of directors and not the entire stream of management as seen in horizontal reporting. horizontal reporting is taken up only in organizations which is smaller in dimension
example is work load
think ?

once company accepts as to which style of reporting structure it would accept based upon its work load and experience in handling situations standard routine procedures and instructions have to be designed in accordance with changing times for which company should set up its own holistic team wing whose duty is to see where changes are happening in the world scenario , if it fails to judge them before or during the process of transformation of the world , the organization fails miserably

moral : set up a team holistic in view point to the changes occurring in the world scenario with regular presentations to stakeholders and board of

to coordinate in the organization communication between employees is very important , this type of communication is both formal and informal , which should be given prominence in the organization, jagadish feels it is informal communication which should be given weightage where employees should work on sharing current affairs knowledge with each other without any pressure, here informal communication means no scrutiny by anyone, free expression of thought process
example : orkut

current problems faced by the company to be discussed through intranet (internal network of ideas) shared publicly within the organization. some of this information can be made public to stakeholders by creating just like Google docs where certain information be given a say by stakeholders for the decision taken by the employees if top management feels that stakeholders be addressed to

internal website to be shared certain portion to stakeholders as decided in the stakeholders meet.

ESOP (Employee stock option plan) and CSOP (customer stock option plan) can be introduced under communication channel network of intranet

FINANCIAL FUTURE OF WORLD----- A new financial instrument
in this world man created a huge amount of financial instruments like shares, bonds, mutual funds, options, futures, but in near future it is going to be nature bars is what i have projected,

where would it be used ? ,

it would be used in B2B segment,share market

what is its use, ?

it is to determine who is following nature friendly products and which are violating nature friendly products. companies in addition to issuing cash would be issuing nature friendly bars which can be converted into shares, cash by presenting it to the company

banks would shift it to say (RBI governing body of INDIA ) which would again transfer it back to companies every quarterly based upon performance in producing , constructing nature friendly goods, services etc or issue it through government

even people who construct through thought process and put it into action nature friendly ideas can enjoy these bars which are readily convertable into cash or can play a dominant role in share market where it can be traded with corporates but to be restricted to banks. it is because it should be measuable in terms of performance. these shareholders sell it to banks and banks award it to companies , shifting from one hand to another hand based upon performance towards nature

think ?
Q1) how would one define a financial instrument?

Q2) which are the areas left where financial instrument hasnt been implemented as of now in 21st century ?

Q3) where can you implement nature bars instrument in the world scenario ?

Q4) how would you differentiate it within countries -- nature bars ?

Q5) what is the role of nature bars in commodity markets ?

Q6) In which area B2B, B2C, C2C can nature bars be successful ?

Q7) which are the other financial instruments which can be attached to nature bars for quick returns or effective returns ?

Q8) what is the role of united nations in controlling this nature bars from getting misutilised by government bodies ?

Q9) what are the broader guidelines should countries implement to see that misutilisation by companies doesnt happen regarding use of nature bars?

Q10) how can these nature bars be used in foreign exchange ? is it viable or should it be kept country specific through guidelines ?

Somethings to ponder about


birla group of companies have one problem if i am correct that is cement industry which is also a problem of other cement companies now what is the problem . the problem is how to generate sand which is converted into cement it can be solved only through ways like

a) hilllocks
b) mountains
c) oceans
d) deserts

to create cement sand has to be mixed with stones and these stones can be got through hilllocks and mountains breaking them into pieces

now question arises how to generate water which mixes them

purchase ships near ocean and tie relationship with flights by creating cement bags of containers


vijay mallyas group must have one problem which i can understand is that of flight journeys which is a problem of aviation industry

the problem is that flights are perishable commodity - they (seats) have to be sold on same day when they are to be used one cannot use seats for the next day because days pass without coming back


the solution is

check out the average number of seats required over a period of 12 months and decrease it to such a level that it is packed throughout the year

one can even increase the sales if one knows the average seats used per month

now with knowledge of average seats being used per month freight luggage can be increased or decreased with huge profits for company and to industry


japanese problem and mumbai problem is that over a period of time with natural disaster of flooding house rents would decrease japanese cant shift because of limited land with huge population if seen geographically.

the solution is if japanese/koreans companies are able to sign a pact between countries to set up resorts and vision of resort being that if japanese, koreans land submerges they can use the resorts for staying purpose ---- 4c concept across nations


amul model as per jagadish is that even though it is the den of ahmedabad it can spread its wings in an innovative fashion , its just a proposal of jagadish can even be rejected

why not use railways as an arsenal by setting up amul outlets across the country in railway stations which are important , palace on wheels can also be used if done for rajasthan trip


cadburys chocolate can innovate in the same way as amul but with pouch system of 10Rs, 25Rs, 50Rs pouch packets to be distributed to railway passengers in a combo fashion of multiple chocolates to be given to passengers who are travelling

think ?


In near future petrol and diesel is depleting across nations very soon within a few decades

the problem can be solved now itself with coming up of usage of life long batteries to be used in vehicles , lets see present technology can take it up the issue or not

godrej products actually are made of steel most of the times why not i give a advise stating to do it like assembing of parts fine tuned as per the conveneince of customers , customers design their own product through parts designed by godrej

company outlets of godrej would deliver to the customer after designing it in computer ERP (computer graphics) approved by customers with sample testing

example : hardware of computers, Asian paints

this strategy can be adopted to any industry



kerala is the place where rubber is made

now question arises if rubber is not their then what to do

the answer is artificial rubber radial tyres have to be made with cost of production coming down donated money by automobile industry to manufacturers and spread them across the nation state wise based upon demand

each manufacturer owned by one automobile company


what are these deserts doing in the history of mankind. deserts can be used for doing export business if business community has commonsense under its belt

now you would ask me how to do business in desert which has a temperature of minimum 40 degrees under its belt

the answer is simple with life long batteries under their belt and ships which move on the land with 250 feet they can ask farmers to develop vegetation which is conveniently produced in deserts

example : cactus and mushrooms etc

think on your shoes which vegetation you can do exports ?

if implementable can remove seasonal unemployment in INDIA and across countries like USA


entire world is looking at afforestation (growing of trees ) across nations and want to stop deforestation but are unable to do it

what can be the solution

why not try shrubs, herbs, bonsai trees incase they become a hit

they give beauty with results


across the globe people eat fruits, vegetables, fruits are becoming very costly affair with prices skyrocketing specially in INDIA

now what is the solution fruits, usually are grown by the farmers (horticulture)

another problem which INDIA might encounter is shifting of horticulture to other areas like BT COTTON which gives much more money now a days

how to save horticulture, it also requires acres of land to grow and most of land arable is being given either for industrialization or for real estate purpose

if horticulture is developed near to sea or ocean it can never grow because wash out of horticulture can happen
the other thing can be seen is using horticulture for green house preparation

why doesnt companies take up hanging gardens concept and develop it in such a way that roots of the hanging garden are linked up with the roots of mother plant just like multistory building

example : Kashmir study of hanging gardens


is internet really acts as a complementor in strategy decision making or acts as a destroyer of business . why destruction in the first place, it is because of price wars waged in the internet strategy to destroy each other websites. internet runs as of now only on websites. the better the website designing the better the decisions and better the returns on investment

to design a strategy in internet is usally to look into psychographic segmentation while designing a good website. character user interface website with rich text composition has become the order of the day. people want to spend less amount of MB and get more stuff of storage. complementor being working online and playing games online etc .

intenet prices are about to fall down with the coming up of advancement of web 2.0 and 3.0 . if these succeed it is usual procedure being fall in prices to be used while working with websites. earnings by company usually would be to promote advertisement space in the websites which are popular with free information and testing of them done by the public.

future of internet is to look for less space content usage with minimum words to express.

earning by companies in future is websites where intellectual capitalism and strategies of companies to have as many users as possible would be tested to the core.

search engines would change to url type of tests and google designing of page rank can be beaten with

information content becoming the order of the day on consistent sharing and writing skills of website authors with general public being tested by all

only those websites which give consistent information knowledge in website with proper RSS feed would survive.