Thursday, May 12, 2011



by jagadish

wealth : its management (spirituality in 21st century)

wealth is actually defined by how to allocate it to solve personal, professional relationships. wealth is personal and to manage is what economics is
corporate wealth management also is related to economics

but actually how should wealth be managed :

according to spirituality in olden generation thought by me is that money is never talked about and is to be accepted in whichever denomination it comes to individuals and is never ever debated under spiritualism

just now on 5th of April 2011 i thought of a better plan to define spiritual money in commercial aspect to be adopted by everyone but restricted the definition to 21st century

do you want to know what i think about spiritual money in commercial terms. if you appreciate it and follow it you are benefited , if i don't say it i need not write about it

hats off to me to make a bold presentation , lets give myself a laddu

money is always defined as “man made money and money made man run”

beautiful quotation

according to me money if satisfies the definition of family satisfaction till that family is into existence on earth and is able to give itself mental peace with money being around both in bank and cash in hand and is of help to it instead of burden , you lived the life of spiritualism

if the same money even if more or less cannot give mental peace and thinking about money gives tension to the world and to themselves can be termed as commercial aspect of money definition which if continued the family has led a butchered life in today's century

is my definition of spiritual family money aspect

think what wealth can actually determine your path ?



too much of wealth leads to destruction than construction

think ?

allocating funds to crucial people and managing people is crucial than solution to wealth affairs either corporate or personal

think ?



its amazing fact of life is USA is talking now a days a language of buyer centric where buyers actually determine the path of sales. i question them as to how is it possible. it is always according to me seller centric where seller determines the path of where technology is leading and is in better position to understand average customers point of view and counter attack by specifically redesigning the model to get it again approved by buyers and not one buyer

in INDIA asian paints asked buyer to redesign the house model in an ERP format but according to me can never be approved 100 percent by buyers without seller actually showing the final output without which decision to be made by buyers of Asian paints is impossible

another example is TATAS actually came up with a new model of 2 pricing at 1 lakh and 2.5 lakh per car under 2 models . buyers never came up with that model. it was tatas who highlighted and buyers made small changes and variation in the model but as usual had to accept the model designed by tatas and chose according to their taste.

at the most color would be specified by them but other ways it is entire technology if talked about is seller centric .

Sony initially failed because it did not take into consideration cost factor involved other wise it sold Walkman initially on seller centric terms . buyers never knew their requirement and did not had foresight that Walkman type can every exist during the times of AKIO MORITA .

companies have foresight and vision as to where to lead the company the buyers usually are associated with shares market and based upon success of seller products shares change hands to bulls and bears

sellers product path is not chosen by buyers it is convenience of usage of seller products which determine the market of products designed by sellers

it is sellers with technology and intention to do business determines the company and economies path and not the other way round

think why buyers models are failing and how come seller centric output always is saleable to end consumer ? why the difference?



does the government bodies of both state and central have financial strength. if they have under their belt i have got a brilliant plan to discuss with them .

summation is

purchase land from farmers who have point 5 acres of land under their belt and cumulatively increase the geographical boundary to acres of land and ask them to work in it by giving them salary to them to work in the fields on a fixed salary package

in that way government with the help of ICRISAT can organise and create food for the country through monitoring the farmers output by asking them to produce anything as per the need of the country and not letting farmers chose their own crops for their survival

farmer don't leave the vegetation crops because they will be paid fixed salary for working for few hours with additional benefit like vocational training also being provided to them by government

i hope this can be implementable by governments where government gets money to purchase lands through Internet advertisements etc

think what can be the role of companies associated with farming community ?


continuation of farmers problem in INDIA

I was studying and is still studying russia and would suggest everyone to read history of countries and its economic background. i came to realize many things specially the one i was talking above thought process related to farmers

the term they used for above solution even though i didnt copy from them was collectivism

meaning , under collectivism all farms to be purchased by soviet russia under stalin rule and use them for basic industry purpose.

without my knowledge i came to same conclusion but on voluntary basis by farmers is what my solution was as stated above solution

their is one intricacy which i found in collectivism meaning responsible government and responsible government under tension

bifurcate them , you realize continuation of policy decision making and guideline to be followed, total effort with support from all quarters make the decision holistic and long lasting

even though i gave the solution i have general fear factor that villagers would like to work in industrial community as payment would be high in that type of set up

moral responsibility says if farm land is used for industrialization , INDIA would have to import food grains and wheat from say USA in near future as per prediction even though their is mismanagement happening in census calculation , still INDIA actually is going to surpass china in population

if it happens it is agriculture land which would be under threat and if converted import of foodgrains would masacre the nation

think ?

industrialization does bring money but mind without food doesn't work


save agriculture lands and convert independent houses to 5 storyed gradually


how economy is shattered

i am still reading russia biography history and is quite amazing realization that economy actually is shattered because of differences in wealth accumulation done by individuals

these individuals actually amass wealth based upon their own competence and develop the bridge between fools and intelligent and become billionaires . it is talent of individuals which actually determine the difference between poor and rich according to me

share knowledge and promote each other

think on these lines


concentration of money in the hands of few

while reading the russia biography i understood that russia can never come up to heights of USA so easily because entire economy is inter vowen script

concentration in the hands of few as per finance is always beneficial as it gives a scope to the government to pinpoint where money is concentrated and use it for a justified reason say like inflation boom

money even though lumpsum say for example 1 trilionaire can easily dissolve when you or government look into the middle class segment whereas the same money concentrated in the hands of few individuals or corporate accounts can easily be used because information gathering is very easy regarding the wealth usage in times of crisis

now question arises as to how to make the middle class come to higher middle class segment ,

it is through education , and usage of knowledge by setting up entrepreneurships across the country



Political Advisory Committee

previously few articles back long time i wrote a text stating how a political party actually sets up A team in central government

today actually i found out through intution that it can have a drawback meaning

the politicians actually who are selected for chief ministers and state functionaries can actually may not be the right candidates for the post of central government

this might be one possibility and can happen but depends upon situation

in INDIA for example this type of tussle and acceptance of chief minister doesn't happen whole heatedly within the political party system

it is because politicians are many but posts are few

now how to solve the other way round

jagadish states that if Prime Minister of INDIA sets up a advisory committee

problem can be solved , it need not be fool proof but other way of solving the problem

now question arises as to the A, B team set up through this political advisory committee

jagadish again states that based upon decision making capability and solution given capability given to Prime MInister of INDIA and success rate of solution can determine the candidatures for specified posts of both A ,.and B team of central government specifically

this board of advisory committee would be changed every now and then based upon contributions being given and not given by the members of board .

can be run on corporate governance ,

can be applied by other nations based upon discretion of country

even though this article is small , think on these lines

should advisory committee be on economics where economy of countries and country is handled ?

should successful advises be taken into consideration while selecting a candidature based upon mathematical number or on basis of experience also to be considered ?


American problem after watching a movie

do you know watching drama movies of hollywood is a huge relief plus education . they make good educational movies . i came across a film called company men which is actually a hollywood movie of tomy lee jones

after seeing the movie i thought wow american or britain problems/across the countries is one at the same of jobless middle aged losing jobs because of recession

what can i jagadish do in this scenario. lets venture out into some solution which may be temporary relief but at least a try to solve petty cash problem of families which can be generalised to other countries

issue is same problem solutions are many one such is

this is knowledge capitalism era where ideas should have to be in plenty and if an individual is able to give these solutions he is an asset to any organization . problem is what can companies do if solution to problem is being solved but result is later on but an assured result to say 75% and above but only one , two or three solutions

their are ways of paying an amount to individuals who do consultants job but are not called as consultants. solutions they give but when you talk about lumpsum payment or commissions they solve few issues and not all issues so lumpsum cannot be paid to these type of individuals even though major tension of company has been solved ---- being lubrication done

what i am trying to say is why not look in the direction of say annuities second half

what do i mean by the second half where instead of individual paying amount for say few years and receiving the amount in installments rest of his life or duration till maturity---- remove the first part of payment and take up second half of payment amount (monthly payments) to individuals who give advise

why doesn't company pay the second half of annuity of payment as temporary relief to the individual for duration of payment decided by the payer (employer) for taking advise which may be petty but cant be paid in lumpsum as success of venture can be watched only after completion of few years

so in these type of ventures payment of annuities say few months or years to individual in need can be taken up by the employer and once success is seen lumpsum can be paid to individual consultant or employee who has given the advise.

think of ways where duration of payment of annuity can be linked up which type of ventures of consultation where both employee and employer in question feel safe and ideas are also not lost because of lack of money payment is in question


Rural economics

what does one learn in rural side, think what can rural sector offer to a management student

very difficult to answer right, world actually is full of bustling activity of movies, recreation, beautiful scenarios etc but cant be enjoyed in a rural environment where hardships take centre stage and those who ask for recreation in rural sector are fitted with tv idiot box

now what is jagadish doing in rural economics ?

why has he taken up this side of economics ?

lets begin

rural education mantra :

go for unit tests examination hall of 15 minutes multiple choice questions and ask rural students to attempt it 5 to 10 times before they actually pass the examination

their would not be any final test for rural background students and summations of all unit tests would result in rural student going to next level of learning

rural jobs mantra

any job which is associated with kinesthetic touch mode of feel of money in the hands of rural sector people is the industry profile of job which is taken up on the spot by rural industry

example :

cashier job
waiters job
service industry job
finance job
government sector jobs
etc etc

in all these jobs money is felt in the hands, they look out for jobs where they can earn in both ways of monthly income and daily income, feeling of security in these type of jobs is the norm i found out recently

ask anyone and you would understand why i wrote this articleship

ponder upon actually on what type of activities make rural sector people feel excited upon and take it up to feel safe in their lives


Current affairs problem of IISC

all the whole world and definitely INDIA must be by now knowing about existence of India Digital Library and its future role in digitization work that it has taken up over a period of years

i actually don't want to go into or against the rules of terms and conditions it signed with authors as i am not aware of these but as a good citizen of INDIA i want to highlight certain aspect to IISC if it is listening to me

IISC governing body is requested by me that do consider my proposal

what the proposal is

it is payment mode to be done to authors who are rare in INDIA by nature and difficult to catch them actually should settle their accounts of money not in per month but by lump-sum settlement

it is because if they settle account of Indian authors because of their initiativeness to come forward or on the request of IISC payment mode if done in monthly installment adds up expenditure list of IISC and it keeps on increasing

so if done in lump-sum payment fast relief of tension and with supreme court verdict coming as to what the lump-sum should payment be would actually lessen the tension and courts verdict becomes the final verdict for both authors and IISC bangalore

ln this way their is cooperation between government wing and courts and through lump-sum they actually can initiate new authors to enter without falling into trap of court scenes

this was a sincere advise given by one of the citizens of INDIA

well done IISC and congratulations !!!!!!!!!


Online Rent of Books by Major Distributors

it is quite an amazing day of today that as i was browsing the Internet as usual i came across that their are distributors online who are releasing books on Internet on rent . sorry i cannot remember them for you all

i have another package for those who are listening to me

how to rent books online

step 1 :

ask consumers to register free of cost

step 2 :

ask them to browse books

step 3 :

give them an option of number of days for which they like to rent from distributor online in any format the consumer wishes

step 4 :

ask the consumer to keep books link in favourites sent to consumer

step 5 :

after they read the book and like the book ask them whether they wish to purchase or send the link to loved ones for expanding their popularity

step 6 :

see other books of similar nature which publisher wants to rent to consumer who was interested in this type of business activity

step 7 :

end of transaction


Lok Sabha and A team

quite amazing story of P Chidambaram Honourable HOME MINISTER OF INIDA in Indian scenario who lost LOK SABHA constituency way long ago back story which i was just pondering while observing the politics of INDIA NDTV

if i am correct in my judgement about Election commissioners role while making arrangement in nation for LOK SABHA seats. kudos to him but it is also seen that he blindfoldedly follows rules laid down in Constitution of INDIA

As per my commonsense A team of both the wing sets BJP AND CONG I should never face elections of LOK SABHA. it is because as per my commonsense

losing one constituency by them doesn't determine the fate of A TEAM MEMBER that he is misfit to rule INDIAN politics as Finance Minister or Railway Ministry post

if everything of NATION is judged based upon one or two constituency losses NATION would lose experienced campaigners of nation to rule and the whole nation would come to standstill for losing the candidate just because he lost elections in two or three consituency where he could give his application form to know his judgment day for NATION sake he was fighting for

and he could have won the seat in some other state also if such provision was given to him by election commissioner and could have served the nation better by not being idle for 5 years

. i also have knowledge that in such cases election of that candidate is done through Rajya Sabha and the candidate has to win again election in LOK SABHA seat within 6 months gap period

the point of my discussion why this type of situation when such major posts vital members are being lost just because their has been a rejection in one or two or three constituencies and he can easily won where he never gave his application form

this is to be considered as vital point of my discussion

by making the post of TEAM A vacant and filled up when elections are over on the basis of equal proportion

global decisions with USA and other super power nations can be solved very easily

by losing the candidatureship of A TEAM to elections is a massacre of INDIA to be watched even by super power nations and is vital for development of nations also and nation to whom A TEAM MEMBER represent

thought of day :


what is public reaction to this topic and how much of support you give to me on this issue which is vital for the nations welfare in coming LOK SABHA ELECTIONS


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