In this world many people have given birth to different powerful personalities but only few survived over a period of lifetime and are remembered, most of the others are into existence and left and are remembered if referred to through books
MORAL : if you have writing skills and knowledge in life, write one book and proclaim to world that you exist in this world
EINSTEIN, jack Welsh etc are remembered throughout ages to come through known by word of mouth spreading , this is long lasting and effective, many have lived life known in that age group but people in India and world know MAHATMA GANDHI and his book of autobiography even now sells, others also wrote their own autobiography like PUNDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU but he is not referred to by the world, few in INDIA know his autobiography
in this literature i want to write for myself as to what qualities are needed, why they are needed, what makes these personalities a great personality , this would take me years to produce this literature but every body says patience rewards at the end , let me get that reward for myself, it will be a true journey of me and to the crores of people who would refer this book,
life changing personalities reference through autobiographies which this book has been referred as
what can this article teach humanity ?
. In Hinduism what highest personality trait which sells in this world is atma balam called as strength of spirit which is considered to be the highest form of strength . how to get it , that is what these personalities depict which i am doing research upon to highlight as to what made these personalities suffer, pain and pleasure , these selected few have seen ups and downs of life, one being EINSTEIN, ADOLF HITLER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN etc . the others would be known to you and to me in due course of time
Many people have suffered , nobodies life has come without tussle, the great EINSTEIN history is full of tension, but he looked at other means like music to release his tension, music is also my own way and should be everyone way of releasing the problems of life, WORLD is fortunate that music has become a part and parcel of the way of life, where research has gone to such a way that pop music to rap songs to dances have released the tensions of life, continue it is what many great stalwarts have advised the whole world
MORAL : Music is best reliever of tensions posed by mankind themselves
In history of mankind their have been many debates over a period of times as to existence and proof of GOD. big big stalwarts of over the world debated and debates are still going on as to what led people to believe in the existence of super natural human beings born on this planet earth. Eastern philosophy went on debating about spirit and spirit strength . the question is whether believe in atheism or theism in this world. Bhagavad Gita talks about bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and sankhya yoga which have been explained by me in small treatise of bhagavad gita written by myself. the answer which every one looks out for is that
believe in GOD and people if it give you strength to live in this life, ultimately it boils down to as to how you led life which was given to you by your parents.
MORAL : strength in life gives you valour to face daily obstacles, look for mentors ---GOD OR HUMAN BEINGS
people in the bracket of big personalities or say famous personalities have one characteristic feature in them if looked closely, they look at experimentation of anything they catch hold off, they looks at growth of themselves where reading is mandatory , learning new things through self motivation is highest virtue in them,
why this is seen, it is seen because they feel their life history is boring if left at the same place where they have begun so in order to make their life exciting they venture out to new areas to see for themselves what they can contribute,
contribution to society is also another characteristic feature in them both personal and society plays an important role in them. they don't sit back saying i contributed so i need not do anything from now on. it is also seen in this society that if a person has the mindset to contribute which if comes from heart of hearts even nature supports him and through commonsense approach with intelligence the person can easily earn money
MORAL : Reading is mandatory, contribution is important,learning new things is way of life
good stalwarts have one good ingredient that is allotment of time , they don’t waste their time if they find that with that allotment of time spent they aren’t getting results which somehow directly or indirectly doesn’t enhance their satisfaction level . they take up only those assignments which are useful to them and leave the others or delegate away the work if they consider the work as minsicule as per their judgement
MORAL : Work to be undertaken only if satisfying the task gives mental satisfaction
over a period of time after reading few literature of these famous personalities i came to certain conclusions. quite mind boggling . you must be thinking what were the conclusions i encountered. its very interesting
1) you must be a good student and consider these famous stalwarts as your teachers
2) to understand their mindset one must possess inherent knowledge of their field
3) your brain waves must be on par with them and as per judging their brain waves is concerned --- understanding them becomes important either their life or their job
4) these personalities are always nation lovers and not personal life lovers-- meaning nation comes first , work comes second and family and family affairs come last to their minds
5) lastly very interesting about famous personalities is they (contributors to
nation/society) always ask and feel comfortable when they actually find/meet/marry intelligent wives
they go on marrying and give divorces till they actually meet the intelligence of women they want to associate with lifelong and amazingly it is always accepted by the women is quite amazing. the man says she was broad minded and the woman say i got an intellectual under my belt
highly debatable topic
In Einstein biography Clark very boldly highlighted a fact that light travels very fast and if according to Einstein opinion as highlighted by Clark specified that if one person runs today faster than light he would reach yesterday night (General or special theory of relativity)
how would one believe this statement ? do you believe in it ? if you believe in this you are a fool
analysis goes that if one goes faster than light according to me he is still in present because light and time are independent . you are asking a dead person alive ?
think ?
every second a person dies , a person who dies to see him alive one if travels faster than light how can it be true to see a dead person alive ?
again think ?
building or thinking of time machines don't exist in real life
example : supersonic planes go faster than sound . if Einstein theory was correct we should be able to hear sound of ourselves which we spoke, but we don't hear as per my commonsense , otherwise by now it would be talk of whole world
think ? relate it to speed of light
Lets talk about core of earth issue, to move actually one needs force, does gravitation in earth exist is one question i posed to myself , to move force is required to move yourself energy is required ,
Geo satellites stationary require movement to sustain at same point , otherwise due to lack of fuel energy, force they change their location point set up by the scientists staying in earth, now to put them back into same location scientists keep updating their locations
now earth to sustain at same point also must require same energy, where is it coming from
think ? i gave a clue
it is core of the earth which is still burning with fire
without internal energy no body mass can sustain either human being, plants, animals or any living thing except dead
think ? pose questions to yourself ?
its scary but this is life where facts play more important role and give solutions to sustain
MORAL : self analysis of situations is best way to come out of life problems. fear
kills solutions, but facing facts with valour gives solution either now or in future
In the biography of Einstein after post 1914-18 world war 1 their has been a reaction in the whole world as to take Germany very very seriously to despise its people and people in Germany had a notion that they the world misinterpreted the emotions of Germans .wrongly
what you gather from this database is people always like to blame others for their actions which is either intelligent or stupid, when they interpret their actions they consider it intelligent and if somebody interprets as to their liking it is called misinterpretation of data
actually no data is interpreted correctly in this world is one saying
Most of biographies seen in the management arena of running companies mostly it is
a) Re-engineering of company
b) Restructuring of company is not seen at all
most of the problems are time saving mechanism of work load pooled up which hasn't been segregated on priority list
pro-activeness which is the biggest booster to human beings actually according to me comes from mental strength of an individual
think ?
when you look at your mind is what i gathered over a period of time of observing mind is that nature in the form of mind actually assigns tasks to human beings and based upon those thoughts human beings give direction to themselves
if you think on thoughts generated in mind positive you are free from tension, if you think negatively you are bound to get diseases
think ?
lets talks about first the verdict of brave high court of INDIA for giving a judgement on ramjanmabhoomi which is hot debate of RSS and BJP to certain extent CONGRESS I
The whole political system in INDIA is tussling on an issue which is already a past history of great INDIA
suppose i consider them both rama and ravana as real as rulers and fought a normal battle with each other and rama killed ravana in a normal battle even then i cant consider hanuman and a troupe of monkeys solving the battle problem,
what was the language of hanuman who was a monkey type by birth being depicted by ved vyasa
if hanuman was also a human being and told as a monkey birth, epic has been misinterpreted to larger extent with over a period of centuries by different authors giving wrong picture of nation
with misinterpreted data we cant predict and fight with each other , and create friction within society
Ramayana is considered to be epic story of lord Rama , their are certain loopholes in it . if you use logical reasoning to it as i have put it with myself, normally childbirth by women is done within 3 to say 5 years after marriage
in Ramayana the birth of child is given after 14 years of forest life , how can it be possible when it was stated in puranas that sita mata was sexual hungry known by everyone including RSS knows it if i am correct
next in Ramayana lord Rama touched a stone and the stone disappeared and human being got into place who actually was in it since 20 to 30 years during his lifetime because of some magic potion being given to him by some brahmin who had powers during his time
logical reasoning says that over a period of decades human strength and powers have actually lost with passage of time if thought logically, is it really practicable of powers being their that too with all humanity during those times where all are considered to be powerful
in todays generation their are only few who have powers and not all
in Ramayana hanuman actually flies in air and lord rama cant fly and Rama is more powerful than hanuman because lord Rama is actually lord vishnu avatar
hanuman actually is wise, intelligent, knowledgable being in those times , its quite contradictory statement that when laxman actually becomes unconscious in war and vibhishan actually asks for jadibooti from rama , he sends hanuman and hanuman actually lifts a mountain and carries it to the war field, where did he actuallly place that mountain when he landed on warfare and how come he didnt knows those jadibooti and how come he is considered to be knowledgeable .
in those times and even now swamijis are considered to be knowledgeable in this science of jadi booti
in those days monkey name was actually called as intelligent where monkeys ruled nations and hanuman was considered to be king in those times who discarded kingdom to serve lord Rama
where did the clan of hanuman entire public disappear
sita mata was born on earth through earth normally birth of human being happen through women how can she disappear in the end by jumping inside earth which is full of molten lava and die in the end leaving lord rama with children to rule ayodhya
I consider the entire ramayana written is a novel written by valmiki , he must be a novelist also in those times as seen today in the form of novelists popular like jeffrey archer who writes on human beings stories
vibhishana in ramayana was a hard core devotee of lord rama in ramayana but the brother ravana doesn't bother about rama and vibhishana fights ravana in the court and leaves the kingdom and very interestingly highlights about death on certain part of body and not head during ending phase of ravana. ravana projects the story of having 10 heads. how can it be true, how can one head is masaccared and another head of similar type take shape within seconds,
highly impossible, human beings have bones, nerves and many tendons to support each other
ravana story if anybody knows was a soldier living in kailash drank nectar of life never to die and came to earth to do penance and die in the hands of lord Rama was ravanas background
where is that kailash , was it kailashkher of CHINA INDIA border, nobody resides their
ramanand sagar must have projected a picture which may be false to certain extent but not entire certain episodes must be true , nobody projects a picture which doesnt have true picture of actual story in it, episodes few must be true taken from the actual epic story of LORD RAMA
now lets talk about the great epic story of MAHABHARATHA OF LORD KRISHNA
here their is some analysis i am going to do lets see whether public and concerned people do the same agree or disagree
in Mahabharata also their is same problem which was encountered in Ramayana, child birth , its very very horrible
kauravas sena 100 sons, how is it possible ?
think on your own ?
to give birth it takes 9 months as per science is concerned and then Dhritrashtra was blind and his wife was only one and that wife also ties a band in her eyes throughout her life blindfoldedly till the end of war and never has seen any of her sons till end
how did they give birth to so many children ?
one more thing per birth the great lady has to give birth to minimum 2 children at one time to make them come alive for doing war, old age if at all she encounters can never be delivered birth
it is humanly impossible feat of women of only one giving birth to 100 children while both being blind
don't you feel that their are certain points missing in this entire story of pandavas and kauravas during the reign of lord KRISHNA
amazingly all pandavas are born because of gods, what is this , is the great sage ved vyasa a fool that not even one son has correct birth, atleast satisfaction purpose atleast one pandava to be born and can be stated as dead
but the story is written by him that all pandavas are born because of gods of varundeva, indra etc giving boon to ladies
think ?
in post drona after giving training asks pandavas a help to masaccare a army of friend who became a foe and all pandavas butcher the king with a huge force of his singlehandedly and when at war they are being fooled by kauravas, they stopped a huge army and in a war with kauravas they are unable to even kill a single drona without help of arjuna help
some key points have been missing in this story is what i came to know about
think students ?
their is no authentic biography as per my logical deduction that at time of birth of lord krishna how come the entire army of kans slept and the great father without any hassle was able to deliver the baby child of krishna and deliver it to his friend in a village and return back unscathed and kans his relative king never knows it and after knowing it could have sent a huge army to kill krishna but sends only his messenger and to certain extent few people at time of when krishna is in baby stage
isnt it funny that he knows kans that he is going to die in the hands of LORD KRISHNA
my point here is that i am not trying to belittle religeon but religeon stood its ground on certain basic foundations and by believing in these individuals by public is not unethical , it gives strength to people that i consider these two great personalities as
fighting and killing people because they ( RAMA AND KRISHNA) were humiliated would not solve the nations problem it would only infuriate human beings
these individuals have to be adored and followed in INDIA becasue they are perfect human beings in the form of story written as biography of them which may be a mistake or true but to be kept by people as example
promoted by religious people to show direction to public who are wise enough in this century and coming centuries to understand the situation and follow religious practices to gain atma balam
MORAL : these individuals are followed to gain atma balam , don't destroy them but follow them to gain strength in life
Thursday, December 2, 2010
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