Monday, October 18, 2010


Strategic Management

Definition :
Strategic management actually talks about implementation of thoughts that generate in the minds of employees and how they can cater to the public with least cost and giving customers huge bonanza enjoying profits in the long run by the creator of ideas (company).

Q1) how can ideas be generated for top management to function ?

Ans) ideas can be generated by every one and are generated by all but the company to survive require ideas and ideas are always few to start out with . employees have ideas but their should be proper channel to let out ideas of employees to board members.

in this case what should company do ?

create a team which job is only to collect ideas from different sources and highlight it in common platform of ERP in a room where ideas are highlighted
any person who can comment on the idea and upgrade it be given gift vouchers etc. to promote the employees

employees be allowed to create teams whose job is to discuss on current trends, that way opinion leaders can be created
the assigned team comes to employees team and talks to them every week on the ideas to see what it can share with the board of directors, one can even feel the pulse of the employees through this medium of communication
those who feel responsible towards company would automatically create this type of team with multiple benefits enjoyed

think about what other benefits can be assigned to the team that is generating ideas ?

Q2) who should implement strategy designed by the board of directors ?

Ans) thought to people who makes strategic decision in your company ---implementation . I believe in CIO (customer information officers) to deliver it through teams

It is because information gatherers can work in crisis as they have information under their belt who need not consult top management every now and then

Q3) what can one say about demand creation which is current affairs of many companies ?

Definition : demand creation is defined as creating need in people to purchase their product or brand by creating
awareness in them

as I was going through iTunes information interview was going on as to how to create demand and let people know what they can purchase from existing markets in their geographical locations

it is always a fact known to everyone that advertising has been stopped by most companies,

when I was in management school way back in 2003 their itself my dean organized a meet stating that advertising has come to dead end in all developed nations, it would soon happen to INDIA very soon

now question arises as to how to create need in people when money is a problem ?
I stated previously that pull strategy is far better than push strategy, can it be applied to demand creation or not ?

I am reinstating my statement which I said previously that by collaboration with internet websites one can create the need by sharing the sales with website owner by selling products online ,

now question arises as to how can internet website owners know whom to give ads in their limited sales space ?

solution :

famous terminology I associate every time is consistent performance of product over 6 months previous plus vision and mission of the product being highlighted by the company to which it is associated with

any other solution :

demand creation or creating need in people is short run prospective where telemarketing is used to larger extent which is small budget but takes away office space , in that place create internet based servers to track down sales of pull strategy to create sales for consumers who are interested in your product and increase the geographical boundary slow by slow

even guerilla strategy would not be advised by me but through collaboration this can be achieved much more smoothly

I am not an advocate of guerilla strategy--- it is short run prospective and those people who use this strategy are considered by me as part timers of companies not mid cap creators

mid cap creators usually have to look for collaboration within and outside their geographical areas

think about how can servers set up under ERP calculations can create money for company ? is it short run or long run prospective or not ?

according to me it is long run prospective because semi automation servers can be used for other purposes also like storage of data and analysis purpose and creates employment in the long run once storage is huge and requires critical judgment of data stored in it

sales ERP to certain extent can solve this problem as to doing sales for money is the motto

finance budgeting control -- this is linked up with sales that’s why
think before implementing this . I have told this on the basis of commonsense !!!

Q4) localized sales and community ---- pros and cons ?

I was referring again apple iTunes in one of the episodes discussion was going on as to if sales are localized to specific zone or community what are its affects on people, should it be done

their was discussion even on collaboration in retail outlets with outsiders
price stability and rise of prices can hamper progress and public choice of community would create stumbling block to countries all round progress making one community the preferred destination and others would be sidelined

this must be the problem of all developed nations who have designed maybe on the line of suburban where group of families come and settle themselves down with the community and do business restricted to that community needs
in one line I would state

concentration of power in hands of few is in advisable

my point is outside forces of competition is considered to be healthy for growth of country as well as community

Q5) Right sizing debate

in this world people are many and companies are few but there is requirement of people in other areas also . now question arises are their people in industry segment who actually are more than required and are their people in industry segment which are few in number than required

question arises as to what should companies do in such cases where salaries are being paid to people who are not working or say they have less work.

Right sizing is the solution

Definition :

using optimum people to get optimum result by placing people in right jobs
example : if there is requirement of 20 people in a job assign 15 people to do the job and see whether efficiency and quality work can be got or not if there is problem then increase the employees to get result

now during recession and post recession there is huge amount of unemployment , what to do with this, go for entrepreneurship to develop mid caps (future employment)

Right sizing advantages

optimum work
efficiency in work
knowledge gathering -- companies can depend upon employees who are assigned correctly in company job profile
companies can know that employees are being used for getting right output
Reengineering can be taken up also along with right sizing

Q6) constituency development debate (LOK SABHA) INDIA

every member in lok sabha is answerable to public but problems are many specially infrastructure is current issue of the nation. how to develop the constituency is desire of many lok sabha politicians . these constituencies as per my knowledge is assigned either by the parties or by election commissioner in discussion with others
how to develop constituencies


jagadish says first thing the lok sabha parties have to come with independent committee which looks at the constituency development won by them
once the constituency and its winner lok sabha member is known party funding to be allocated to him but to be kept by the party committee.

two or three party workers under the party say BJP to be assigned to each winner of lok sabha and through them a 3 to 6 months TOC or SWOT in simple language to be done
after the TOC (theory of constraints ) or SWOT the party member representative should sit with the party workers and design a strategy as to how he is going to develop the constituency and to submit a report to the committee of party to see development in his region

based upon finance requirement through batches under his allotted money to be released to the member . after work is completed the member has to submit a report of development of constituency to get further release of finance

the party member has to compulsorily visit the constituency at least quarterly in a year to see whether the proper report which he has submitted to the committee of party to which he belongs is authentic or not and to take responsibility for negligence of the report

if proper transportation is not available to the member to visit the constituency the report should be submitted and specified as to requirements of his need to the committee to take proper action

groups of these members (LOK SABHA) within a state also should be formed to look at state development and reports submitted to the committee of parties should be also submitted to the state government so that in unison problem can be solved
solutions are required under intellectual capitalism era.
this solution stated can be implemented in other countries also if seen in proper highlight

Q7) unemployment problem debate

there is huge unemployment in all countries recently after post recession even though inflation has come to normalcy in most countries . this type is seen even now specially in USA
how to solve unemployment problem across the globe in shorter span of time

solution :

vocational training of investment in job plus placement can be the easiest solution to get money for the family

this vocational training is available in any stream of industry and duration as per my knowledge is not more than 6 months . check it out in your country

small investment of money but huge returns of job satisfaction with salary for family in times of bad times . once learnt stays in mind and can be implemented knowledge of vocational when money is tight in family

Q8) Higher Education (MBA) debate

Ans) it is seen by me since a long time specially when my brothers wife went to MBA premier education in INDIA they educational institute asked her to do apprenticeship after one year for a period of 6 months I said it is a pitiable position of nation

why ?

according to me education of say MBA knowledge can never be shared with others and cant be have within one year . it is a vast field where synopsis of every field is imparted within one year and students are said to take apprenticeship practical within one year .

students actually got the information not in MBA college but actually in corporate office

according to me MBA education should be for a period of 3 years with 2 years imparting of self knowledge of a student to be tested in 3 rd. year by company for apprenticeship position

survival of fittest with self knowledge , that should be the driving force of nation or nations if they want to impart to students quality education of higher education
does nation possess this type of education system, lets see in coming days, would students agree , would management agree in knowledge capitalism society

this type of method should never be imparted to primary and secondary education but is applicable only in higher education and PhD level to larger extent

Q9) web 4.0 and above debate

over a period of years I have been observing that developed nations like usa and others are venturing into IT territory with advancement of web with web4.0 and still above . even Microsoft launched very recently with web 2.0 and 3.0

I have a different opinion about this it is that over a period of time with advancement of web being enjoyed by usa and other nations countries like INDIA , china would ask for it .

I cant comment anything about china because of lack of awareness and knowledge about it but when it comes to INDIA I can comment that prices have slashed down drastically over a period of years of internet (625 Rs unlimited package)

I know government wing is doing its best over a period of years to bring down the cost of IT plus telecom industry but with this advancement happening in developed nations would prices be brought be reduced or would with implementation of new web would prices in INDIA would increase that is the concern I have about country

recently I wrote about implementation of 3G in mobiles implemented under auction by INDIA, this might lead to implementation of further coming up of web 4.0 into INDIA, I know that public of INDIA likes advancement in technology which Is also my happiness

the point is if INDIA wants to further progress in technology advancement of web and implementation and in other IT department new things of both security and advancement of technology , the prices which have been slashed should remain constant and should never be brought down further as it might hamper the progress of implementation of technology which is birthright of every Indian to enjoy

solution is

no slashes in price leads to implementation of new things if you bring the prices down further increase in cost would hamper progress and huge debate in parliament as to how come increase in prices should be done after hard effort has been put to bring down costs in IT.



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