Wednesday, July 7, 2010




coordination of people is very important as it teaches people how to be effective while doing supervision over people in an informal or formal based upon their career anchors. career anchors teaches a company how to recruit effectively in a given scenario. some who which in their life on security take up government jobs, those people who are good at risk take up big projects of entrepreneurship etc etc. career anchors is the basis on which recruitment in a company should take place to get as per organization culture
coordination in a team has its own advantages as it teaches the organization employees how to work effectively given the limited resources, employees have egos, how to effectively counter attack this egos is now the question, what can be the solution , recruitment if done on the basis of career anchors (personality traits of individuals) can be effectively be designed as per companies requirement and culture. right sizing (placing right candidate in the right job) is the call of the organization now a days

effective organizations require effective people at effective positions where career anchors would give the human resource something to think about. how to know whether you are recruiting the right candidate for the right position. the biggest disadvantage human resource executives is lack of knowledge about career anchors , training first of human resource people would teach the company in recruitment process. HR executives have to be on their toes if they want to survive in 21st century with enough knowledge about recruitment process. the simple solution would be to segregate the work by recruiting specialized areas under specialized HR executives

example : HR specialists in marketing recruiting only Marketing executives, HR specialist in IT recruiting only IT specialists etc etc

what are its implications, any advancement knowledge which happens in their respective specialised areas the HR automatically knows it or has to know to survive in organization to which they work and recruit right people in right areas with right knowledge. this knowledge can happen if HR executive specialize themselves in it .

management recruitment by companies have to recruit in dual specailization areas such as HR with IT, HR with MARKETING this is the order of the day in present scenario

other than career anchors is their any other way to know how recruitment can take place in the organization their is other way cross breeding of people being given multi tasks specially from strategy wing, this type of recruitment happens usually from marketing to Human resource or from IT to human resource based upon the knowledge gained by the employee of the firm, their are situations where employees go for higher education specially seen in BPO sector where management education is taken up by the employee after getting selected in BPO with graduation as main education

how does coordination happen effectively in the organization or how it has to be , it is usually seen that teams are being assigned tasks with team leader playing an important role in effectively delegating tasks to the team members and does monitoring and take up leadership position in the 21st century, is it effective is the question?

teams usually fail when team leader is absent or are clueless when team leader is absent , other teams can be called upon or its leader but doesnt understand the nuances on the spot and takes time to understand as to what was the team working upon , in critical chain i came across commandoes who know the knowledge as to what the team was working upon multiple team handling is what the commandoes task was , how effective it can be can be known only when implemented specially in a team which is small and has multiple team working on multiple projects
but this commandoes would fail where team strength is say 15 to 20 , as knowledge of the work is widespread and assignment by each of the team member is known to each other, commandoes are effective only in small batches of teams, think ?

delegation of work is also crucial in coordination of work where the team leader has to be smart enough to know what work to delegate and which work not to delegate in the sharing of information. how to make team leaders effective in delegation , it is to know whether from which background the person working in the team has come from , that means in simple language what his strengths are

example :

candidate from middle class family earning salary of father in range of 25000 per month is suitable in the field of finance as budgeting of company can be easily be done by him as he always looks at financial security

candidate with a background of father working in information technology is suitable in the post of research as the candidate always looks at experimentation

study the family background by generating database by the company with the help of HR executives. ask the executives they themselves would give you their strengths if the HR executives are intelligent in analysis of database

in todays generation just to get money in huge quantity students are jumping to IT segment even with lesser knowledge about it but to be frank even in this IT segment candidates chose which they feel comfortable to work within IT segment , they have to survive and work and not to be removed by employer

personality trait plays a major role in choosing up a job and not money when looked at long term perspective of survival in job market

if a company organizes work it has to be done on specialization of the person, meaning a person has to be given task which he is good at and not to change the designation for a few years and give him empowerment to understand the role for which the task was assigned to the person

example : in government organization finance minister should be the finance minister for the country without changing him every year and if one wants to assign tasks the work load should be shared evenly with juniors without changing the person authority unless he becomes insane to work or dies .

pranab mukherjee of INDIA to be finance minister for complete 5 years with juniors taking tasks to learn finance of the country

specialists are needed by the organization with generalist working in the background to give a helping hand

think ?

hierarchy of authority in 21st century is now a days horizontal reporting instead of vertical reporting but now question arises which one to apply and when and under what conditions each one is to be selected. people have the wrong notion now a days that vertical reporting will never give you results whereas vertical reporting also has its advantages in 21st century
lets see how. vertical reporting is applicable where solution to the given problem is delegated with time frame being given under each vertical reporting head. this can help the organization as to which reporting head is dormant and which is active in solving the organization problem . thinking on this tells that vertical reporting the team can be pinpointed and can be revamped if source is known and this type of source finding of lackluster behavior can be easily found out in vertical reporting

horizontal reporting makes the work of CEO much more difficult and diversified and concentration of important work has to be taken up by ceo and board of directors and not the entire stream of management as seen in horizontal reporting. horizontal reporting is taken up only in organizations which is smaller in dimension
example is work load
think ?

once company accepts as to which style of reporting structure it would accept based upon its work load and experience in handling situations standard routine procedures and instructions have to be designed in accordance with changing times for which company should set up its own holistic team wing whose duty is to see where changes are happening in the world scenario , if it fails to judge them before or during the process of transformation of the world , the organization fails miserably

moral : set up a team holistic in view point to the changes occurring in the world scenario with regular presentations to stakeholders and board of

to coordinate in the organization communication between employees is very important , this type of communication is both formal and informal , which should be given prominence in the organization, jagadish feels it is informal communication which should be given weightage where employees should work on sharing current affairs knowledge with each other without any pressure, here informal communication means no scrutiny by anyone, free expression of thought process
example : orkut

current problems faced by the company to be discussed through intranet (internal network of ideas) shared publicly within the organization. some of this information can be made public to stakeholders by creating just like Google docs where certain information be given a say by stakeholders for the decision taken by the employees if top management feels that stakeholders be addressed to

internal website to be shared certain portion to stakeholders as decided in the stakeholders meet.

ESOP (Employee stock option plan) and CSOP (customer stock option plan) can be introduced under communication channel network of intranet

FINANCIAL FUTURE OF WORLD----- A new financial instrument
in this world man created a huge amount of financial instruments like shares, bonds, mutual funds, options, futures, but in near future it is going to be nature bars is what i have projected,

where would it be used ? ,

it would be used in B2B segment,share market

what is its use, ?

it is to determine who is following nature friendly products and which are violating nature friendly products. companies in addition to issuing cash would be issuing nature friendly bars which can be converted into shares, cash by presenting it to the company

banks would shift it to say (RBI governing body of INDIA ) which would again transfer it back to companies every quarterly based upon performance in producing , constructing nature friendly goods, services etc or issue it through government

even people who construct through thought process and put it into action nature friendly ideas can enjoy these bars which are readily convertable into cash or can play a dominant role in share market where it can be traded with corporates but to be restricted to banks. it is because it should be measuable in terms of performance. these shareholders sell it to banks and banks award it to companies , shifting from one hand to another hand based upon performance towards nature

think ?
Q1) how would one define a financial instrument?

Q2) which are the areas left where financial instrument hasnt been implemented as of now in 21st century ?

Q3) where can you implement nature bars instrument in the world scenario ?

Q4) how would you differentiate it within countries -- nature bars ?

Q5) what is the role of nature bars in commodity markets ?

Q6) In which area B2B, B2C, C2C can nature bars be successful ?

Q7) which are the other financial instruments which can be attached to nature bars for quick returns or effective returns ?

Q8) what is the role of united nations in controlling this nature bars from getting misutilised by government bodies ?

Q9) what are the broader guidelines should countries implement to see that misutilisation by companies doesnt happen regarding use of nature bars?

Q10) how can these nature bars be used in foreign exchange ? is it viable or should it be kept country specific through guidelines ?

Somethings to ponder about


birla group of companies have one problem if i am correct that is cement industry which is also a problem of other cement companies now what is the problem . the problem is how to generate sand which is converted into cement it can be solved only through ways like

a) hilllocks
b) mountains
c) oceans
d) deserts

to create cement sand has to be mixed with stones and these stones can be got through hilllocks and mountains breaking them into pieces

now question arises how to generate water which mixes them

purchase ships near ocean and tie relationship with flights by creating cement bags of containers


vijay mallyas group must have one problem which i can understand is that of flight journeys which is a problem of aviation industry

the problem is that flights are perishable commodity - they (seats) have to be sold on same day when they are to be used one cannot use seats for the next day because days pass without coming back


the solution is

check out the average number of seats required over a period of 12 months and decrease it to such a level that it is packed throughout the year

one can even increase the sales if one knows the average seats used per month

now with knowledge of average seats being used per month freight luggage can be increased or decreased with huge profits for company and to industry


japanese problem and mumbai problem is that over a period of time with natural disaster of flooding house rents would decrease japanese cant shift because of limited land with huge population if seen geographically.

the solution is if japanese/koreans companies are able to sign a pact between countries to set up resorts and vision of resort being that if japanese, koreans land submerges they can use the resorts for staying purpose ---- 4c concept across nations


amul model as per jagadish is that even though it is the den of ahmedabad it can spread its wings in an innovative fashion , its just a proposal of jagadish can even be rejected

why not use railways as an arsenal by setting up amul outlets across the country in railway stations which are important , palace on wheels can also be used if done for rajasthan trip


cadburys chocolate can innovate in the same way as amul but with pouch system of 10Rs, 25Rs, 50Rs pouch packets to be distributed to railway passengers in a combo fashion of multiple chocolates to be given to passengers who are travelling

think ?


In near future petrol and diesel is depleting across nations very soon within a few decades

the problem can be solved now itself with coming up of usage of life long batteries to be used in vehicles , lets see present technology can take it up the issue or not

godrej products actually are made of steel most of the times why not i give a advise stating to do it like assembing of parts fine tuned as per the conveneince of customers , customers design their own product through parts designed by godrej

company outlets of godrej would deliver to the customer after designing it in computer ERP (computer graphics) approved by customers with sample testing

example : hardware of computers, Asian paints

this strategy can be adopted to any industry



kerala is the place where rubber is made

now question arises if rubber is not their then what to do

the answer is artificial rubber radial tyres have to be made with cost of production coming down donated money by automobile industry to manufacturers and spread them across the nation state wise based upon demand

each manufacturer owned by one automobile company


what are these deserts doing in the history of mankind. deserts can be used for doing export business if business community has commonsense under its belt

now you would ask me how to do business in desert which has a temperature of minimum 40 degrees under its belt

the answer is simple with life long batteries under their belt and ships which move on the land with 250 feet they can ask farmers to develop vegetation which is conveniently produced in deserts

example : cactus and mushrooms etc

think on your shoes which vegetation you can do exports ?

if implementable can remove seasonal unemployment in INDIA and across countries like USA


entire world is looking at afforestation (growing of trees ) across nations and want to stop deforestation but are unable to do it

what can be the solution

why not try shrubs, herbs, bonsai trees incase they become a hit

they give beauty with results


across the globe people eat fruits, vegetables, fruits are becoming very costly affair with prices skyrocketing specially in INDIA

now what is the solution fruits, usually are grown by the farmers (horticulture)

another problem which INDIA might encounter is shifting of horticulture to other areas like BT COTTON which gives much more money now a days

how to save horticulture, it also requires acres of land to grow and most of land arable is being given either for industrialization or for real estate purpose

if horticulture is developed near to sea or ocean it can never grow because wash out of horticulture can happen
the other thing can be seen is using horticulture for green house preparation

why doesnt companies take up hanging gardens concept and develop it in such a way that roots of the hanging garden are linked up with the roots of mother plant just like multistory building

example : Kashmir study of hanging gardens


is internet really acts as a complementor in strategy decision making or acts as a destroyer of business . why destruction in the first place, it is because of price wars waged in the internet strategy to destroy each other websites. internet runs as of now only on websites. the better the website designing the better the decisions and better the returns on investment

to design a strategy in internet is usally to look into psychographic segmentation while designing a good website. character user interface website with rich text composition has become the order of the day. people want to spend less amount of MB and get more stuff of storage. complementor being working online and playing games online etc .

intenet prices are about to fall down with the coming up of advancement of web 2.0 and 3.0 . if these succeed it is usual procedure being fall in prices to be used while working with websites. earnings by company usually would be to promote advertisement space in the websites which are popular with free information and testing of them done by the public.

future of internet is to look for less space content usage with minimum words to express.

earning by companies in future is websites where intellectual capitalism and strategies of companies to have as many users as possible would be tested to the core.

search engines would change to url type of tests and google designing of page rank can be beaten with

information content becoming the order of the day on consistent sharing and writing skills of website authors with general public being tested by all

only those websites which give consistent information knowledge in website with proper RSS feed would survive.