Saturday, June 5, 2010




This literature which i am writing can be applied to all nations if used some bit of commonsense while putting it into application side


The plan is to invest national savings in infrastructure development .

How to do it

Finance minister made provisions of savings by increasing the tax bracket of all middle class employees

Finance minister also came up with the plan to do entrepreneurship in banking, non banking financial sector

4c concept talks about cooperation between companies and invest in Research though mutual support of companies in similar industry

if you ask companies to invest money and ask government to pay similar amount just like ESI, Pension fund, part payment by company and part payment by government in infrastructure development by giving tax holiday to companies

company paying amount through company employees and employees getting shares/bonds from company

government paying amount by raising indirect taxes

entrepreneurship in banking sector would be monitored by RBI with supreme court giving advise/consulted in case of deadlock between government and private company

public investing in shares of infrastructure would be given tax rebate to certain limit

but this infrastructure development tax rebate should be restricted to development of villages both remote and populated

this tax rebate is again segregated under remote accessing villages being given first priority with more tax rebate to this type of activity

investment in shares/bonds/mutual funds being raised by companies would also fall under tax rebate if funds being raised are for infrastructure development of villages both inaccessible and accessible areas

inaccessible areas being given high priority with more tax rebate or holiday

how to implement infrastructure areas where cooperation of states is important

state works on funding where infrastructure development is taken up more funding ,state wise

monthly reveiws with centralized committee to take up both development and disinvestment of municipal corporations (50:50) with private company participation

problems if any solved through high court directly through consultation

put municipal corporation shares in the stock exchange to be purchased by general public after disinvestment

To develop highways in India as infrastructure project, which is crucial for the country , the best way to do is to provide shares to workers who build those highways on monthly based (coupon system)

coupon determines the number of days the worker worked on the project based on which bonds would be given which is by nature a public-private partnership project as stated either in the budget or on report of economic survey.

As usual my suggestion would be on 50:50 partnership between public and private companies

now should one private company be utilized or multiple companies (public and private) be used to build these highways

jagadish suggestion is to go with companies whose say is more in that state compared to other companies

if say is equal suppose then state government and central government should decide it on vision and mission statement of both public and private companies, still stated companies and not one company (something to ponder about) 4c concept of sharing knowledge (now a discussion)


Around the world how to raise the standard of living

the Honorable Finance Minister pranab mukherjee sir has highlighted it by increasing the tax bracket he has allowed common man funds to use for himself, these funds would be used to purchase financial instruments
now what would the government do after increasing the tax bracket

step 1

check out the areas where the economy is doing exceptionally good and release some financial instrument in support of the project

step 2

check out which bracket income tax is being generated more than previous taxable year

step 3

provide cash bonus or cash subsidy or cash rebate for utilising the money in that tax bracket for specific purpose as thought about by government

step 4
companies/government can give financial knowledge freely to tax payers who avail the package designed by government

some other benefits have to think again


How to utilize gold reserves being their with government for the welfare of its country

Any government of the world has limited portion of its reserves in gold and other portion in the form of other financial instruments like bonds, shares, mutual funds etc

gold reserves can be utilized by the government by pledging it to financial institutions for ready cash, that is one part of story

how to utilize it in other ways

if government sells it to public , public has the gold for itself but is it of any use, they will transfer to their kith and kin or keep it it banks to utilize it when money is less with them for ready cash

if government sells it to banks , banks in turn would keep it or sell it in open market for its day to day activities

which is the best usage of gold as per jagadish is concerned

gold is a rare commodity where prices of it keep on changing with passage of time , the one who possesses it is considered a rich person because it can be pledged easily for money

what is the role of gold reserve other than usage of it for money is now the question ?

India has purchased almost 10% of auctioned gold reserve of IMF last year as stated in economic times

what are its plans ?

can gold actually create money in circulation for government of INDIA or not ?

contracts to be signed with corporate ceos on industry based to be sold to them gold and returned back the gold to government when needed or on fixed tenure of lapse of time bound limit

will this create money in circulation or not ?

as per jagadish is concerned this can be taken up but terms and conditions what it would be has to be answered by RBI

their is a scope of money in circulation in Indian soil, but repurcussion of gold price fluctuation would determine its success unless corporate or government is talking about hedging facililty to be added up to the spice in this circulation of money

something to really think about where investors can also play a role how?

investors being given an option of purchasing gold or bonds/shares on maturity of its stocks at given months where requirement of gold is maximum say during marriage season through corporates

but this purchase of gold by investors should be returned back after few months/years back to corporates at fixed price if option of gold is taken up by investors and corporates back to government with contract prior approval being taken up through RBI

this above statements may not be facts as of today but can be taken up by the government if its a good package designed by RBI

I am keeping the option open for RBI to play its key role , in this circulation of money , it is not final but just a beginning of thinking process


Disinvestment of public companies and role of private companies in it

Disinvestment program initiated by government has been projected by the government at 40000 crore through public private partnership in selected sectors of economy
how to do it innovatively is now the question

if one uses the concept of future predictions and future goals and path selected by the private company to give direction to the public owned corporate sector can be one way to disinvest the shares/bonds of company

the other way can be disinvestment being done on contract based can also be taken up

how ?

companies who are interested in owning up shares like (Build, operate, transfer) back to government on selected key sectors can be taken up where private companies would give advise for that year on how to manage the resources, if ideas generated give a certain specific direction, government can continue its relationship with that company ,
if not satisfied can ask to transfer the shares to some other company who is ready to own shares based upon the current market value in stock exchange

this is little tricky issue but can be taken up specially in key sectors on equal footage

think again and then decide (say contract based strategy)

In this type of strategy which is mostly contract based strategy stakeholders will give opinion only when government feels that strategy affects the general public through internet opinion with selected stake holders

government plays a major role with supreme court direction

this is not final say, but can be termed as a different perspective to observe the market growth


Development of regions in a country

According to Michael E Porter development of regions in a particular region is basically developing clusters in and around the region with development taking in all areas of economy to bring in balance of region in particular country

how to bring in clusters in particular regions at baby stage of particular region
• making public participate in development activities with government giving a supporting role in development of region, public participation can be done through sharing of financial instruments
• empowering youth in the region with 100% finance with 0% interest rate to be returned back with contract signed to get back money to government after lapse of few years
• teaching entrepreneurs in colleges part time about the role of entrepreneurship knowledge to develop in both ideas and sharing knowledge through partnership with government bodies

overall growth factor

For any cluster to develop growth factor as per michael e porter and mine also is to develop region wholly instead of part based improvement in particular industrial segment which in future would eat away revenue of that industry if complementary companies in support of industry is not set up side by side
To develop overall growth strategy entrepreneurship with proper help of finance through financial companies private with government participation plays a key role in enhancing reputation of the overall growth of region

how to set up other industries or say can industries on whole can be set up at once or to do it gradually ?

to develop a cluster wholly at once industries to be set up is impossible but creating segmentation, targeting, positioning of industries through public help and employees help in setting up sister companies can be done at once

the point is entrepreneurship of employees promoted by companies for its own advancement can be taken up at once with prior approval of government wing both financially and intellectually which would benefit both company and region in developing a proper balanced region in country

Does standard of living of people living in regions affect the growth of region in particular country or not / purchasing power determination

According to Michael e porter even though advancement in that locality of regions was less people had purchasing power that means regional belt hasn't been used to develop the region but availability of funds in that region was abundant that means local municipality never bothered to tap the emerging money in circulation growth to enhance the region

taxes may be too less to pay and municipality isn't proactive in the region to tap the money

Michael e porter also determined that with this type of purchasing power with people in the region organised sector retail stores can be developed over the period of time which even jagadish affirms it

now question arises as to how to know which sector is important to develop first given resources of money availability in the region if municipality in that region want to develop
• fast moving consumer goods
• cost price of products and companies manufacturing it as lower cost
• infrastructure development

Does dependency on surrounding states development affect the growth rate of region where progress is happening or not

due to cross cultural sharing of religeon and language between the states near borders affect the growth of states in the long run, say for example

srilanka and tamil nadu

how can clusters determine the growth pattern in a countries development

clusters give knowledge as to how to develop a region geographically and what the region SWOT is , it is better to start of with corecompetency of the region rather than concentrating on novelty development

go by the known and check out unknown areas after the full development of the region has happened of known strengths of the region

what are the core issues which government has to see to bring about growth in that cluster/region in the country ?

Do the SWOT and Do the theory of constraints issue of goldratt regularly within 6 months of every year

THEORY OF CONSTRAINTS concentrates upon 5 main areas

1) identify the constraint
2) exploit the constraint
3) subordinate the constraint
4) elevate the constraint
5) go back to step 1

constraint here means weakness of the region

how to do it

the first point concentrates upon identifying the weaknesses of the region in relation to strengths, after knowing the drawbacks government has to look at whether the weakness has some plus points which are of lesser weakness than other constraints, after knowing the plus points of weakness the government has to give a cushioning to the weakness say for example infrastructure development in INDIA, after giving the cushioning in terms of tax rebates etc government has to check out whether one can elevate meaning remove the weaknesses gradually by improving the strengths of the constraints gradually, if it doesnt happen properly then again go back to step 1 finding out what was the weakness of the decisions taken in implementation of the constraint/ weakness.

if by chance the weakness has been overcome with company participation etc, also go back to step 1 trying to find out whether any other left over constraints have been solved by the government or are their still any more weaknesses in the administration of the country

try to find out through generation of reports specifically cluster wise development in regions where developments are happenning

what is the role of public/private partnership in analyzing data to develop a particular cluster rather than looking at individual company growth ?

cluster development is far better at initial stage or in later stages because group development returns may take longer but very effective in the long run as each of the development affect overall the companies balancesheet

how to do it cluster wise

industry segmentation and complementor segmentation to be tried out while developing the cluster in any region

5 year plan 10 year plans to be managed by the company industry wise and to see whether implementation can happen or not based upon their vision for themselves and to industry specifications while devleoping the cluster

those with lesser vision and mission, strategies would be deleted by the industry , stronger visions with neat goals would be selected to develop clusters


This is one aspect that worries jagadish or me very much, IN sports INDIA has lagged behind , checking up sports like hockey has deteriorated a lot, one part of good story is that INDIA has done exceptionally lately with cricket being the main stay which has given immense satisfaction to youth

INDIA has done exceptionally well in 20:20 format of game of IPL which has been acclaimed as excellent by the whole world where participation for this tournament has come as a surprise to me on world wide scenario

what about other sports,

Now what would be the other game which can give the same level of satisfaction to INDIA as the INDIAN IPL has given
jagadish says why not promote chess as the other alternative apart from cricket scenario

how ?

by asking countries to participate through its players by asking players to represent their countries and play it as one to one nation like Davis Cup of the world
where to play in INDIA
INDIA is a huge nation but normally games are being played mostly in NEW DELHI, CHENNAI, HYDERABAD ETC, but jagadish feels that spirituality plays a dominant part in chess where places of cool weather during seasons of march, april, may, and july august , september would be idle time to conduct in cool places of Dalhousie, ETC

if INDIAN CHESS FEDERATION can muster courage to organize event in these places, it would give according to me a huge boost to the nation is what my personal opinion is, what about security and arrangements, i cannot say about it, but given an honest alternative to check out these places

once or twice a year through FIDE country vs country would be appreciable if done to save the game which was according to me germinated in INDIAN soil.


I thought of a brilliant plan , but dont know whether FIDE or public would accept it

their are many international, national players all over the world who retire or play lifelong , if suppose through fritz chessbase which is number 1 chess software they come up with a plan like what i thought about which chessbase promotes can ask for yearly subscription to players all over the world to play once a day at any given point of time on online server by paying yearly subscription to it

based upon the games they play by making the chess server sweat for 30 to 1 hour and above on a consistent basis over a period of 1 year which is very difficult to play when it is chess base fritz would be awarded cash prize ,based upon statistics taken up by FIDE

this calculation of time taken by player over a period of 1 year would determine his success over chess server which i suppose would be not other than fritz and fritz types like fritz 2 sometimes, fritz 5.2 sometimes to play, fritz 8 , deep fritz etc servers on regular basis to be played on which has been promoted by chessbase

a software to be developed to look at progress of chess overall in all countries while playing with chess servers online

another thing can be noted is to play fritz , deep fritz etc on subscription of playchess can be either group or it can be individual playing against chess servers, daily once in 24 hours

through this promotion activity online by chess base through FIDE they can actually promote chess all over the world through online to any type of consumer either children, adult, old who are lovers of chess where group or individual playing against chess servers would be promoted

something to think about to both public and chess lovers and FIDE, chessbase about practicality of this thought process thought be me which can be impracticable also but something alternative i thought about than face to face international games played every now and then by grand masters and chess lovers across the globe promoted exclusively by FIDE if they are interested in this type of venture.



In near future their is a scope that personalised advertisements in blogs/websites can be highlighted in developing nations like INDIA if taken seriously, that means those writing blogs in internet can take the option of choosing ads from companies and highlight it in their blogs earning revenue for themselves

company pays for a fixed time period for highlighting the ad, competition growing it in market space for ads to be shown in successful blogs

This strategy can even be finetuned by highlighting ads designed by blog owners in their limited space as directed by ad agencies tollfree
Their is another growth of information technology, that is in plasma tv internet to be connected and partitions to be developed and in individual partitioned space allotted

earphones can be designed in each partition and used under one plasma tv or 3D dimension tvs with internet facility attached for individual partitioned customers of TV

lets see whether this can be practicable


How does economy run in the world through common sense ?

prices and inflation increase why ? because salary of employees increase ? why does salary of employees increase ? it is because prices of goods and services are increasing because of demand and supply of them-- availability

another way to look is in olden days goods and knowledge was shared through labor hours , now it is mind, mind work costs time and energy with intellectual capitalism resulting in increase in salary for quality output can be measured in the sense of intellectualism and not through labor hours

mass scale output can never substitute intellectualism of knowledge sharing thus resulting once again in increase in salary, thats why information technology is paid more than marketing , in marketing it is board of directors who are paid more because of strategic decisions resulting in knowledge sharing and analysis of data through mind is paid more

so what is my point in writing this literature ?

lets see if INDIA concentrates upon sharing of information to masses and increase their knowledge and ask them to share knowledge through innovative thought process, how much of output and standard of living can increase

so make internet a house hold name while slashing prices in usage of internet for masses with decrease in IT products

this would have longer impact on growth of INDIA, if other countries agree they can also implement it in their respective nations

example : USA

think for yourself what citizens of INDIA can achieve if given intellectual capitalism